Thursday, December 20, 2012


Today was our Christmas party at work.  We had so much fun.  We put out food and started eating when we came in at noon time and didn't stop until 6 p.m.  Everything was so good.  I have lots of pictures to show you.

I decided to wear my pink sequined Santa hat to work.

Everyone brought something.  I made a hoagie salad.  I had never done that before and so wasn't sure about it.  I must have done something right because I brought about 3 tablespoons home for Joe to try and the rest was gone.  Everyone was going back for seconds and thirds.

We did Pollyannas this year.  Some of you know this by the name "Secret Santa" but here in Philly it's Pollyanna.  Here's a bunch of our gifts on the end of the table along with some chips and Jerry's ceramic Christmas tree.  This was all held in the meeting room which doubles as our lunch room.

Here is our part-timer, Marquita.  She also works at Target and is a model.  And she's as nice as she is pretty.

Sheila and Jerry (the children's and adult librarians) enjoying the food.

Here is Jerry with our Teen After-school Helpers.  They are Tyler, Olivia and Juliana.  I had Juliana as my Pollyanna.

Bob had me as his Pollyanna.  I had asked for Debbie Macomber's new book and that is exactly what I got.  I'm so happy and can't wait to start reading it.

Besides the food in the lunch room, we had food in the work room too.  Babka, cupcakes, cookies...  yum!

The book trucks were being used for food today, not books.  Chips and candy on this one.  
 I have off from work tomorrow since I am working on Saturday.  I am hoping to get a lot done for Christmas and to also get some sleep.  I really need both.

Yesterday I had my car in the garage for inspection.  While it was there I had the oil changed, the windshield wiper blades changed and the tires rotated.  Well, something is wrong with one of the tires.  I can tell by the way it is running.  So no sleeping late for me tomorrow.  I am going to go in very early to get it taken care of.  But a nap in the afternoon sounds just lovely.


  1. The hat looks good on you.Pretty!
    I LOVE the book trucks being used for food.Wow! If that is the chips,etc, I can't imagine what the other trucks held...It all sounded delicious.Your hoagie salad looked good,maybe I'll be able to try it sometime.Looks like everyone had a great time!
    An afternoon nap is WONDERFUL!
    I usually have one on Sunday after brunch but at my house it's called 'puppy nap'! Both Crystal & Bridget hit the stairs running! Ha ha!

  2. You look adorable in your Santa hat! I love anything that sparkles :)

    Glad you all had such a wonderful celebration at work. Looks like a good time with good friends and food. My kind of day.

    Hope you get your rest friend! That will make you more productive than anything!


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