I borrowed this picture off of facebook. Isn't it cute? Some people love their coffee, but I love my morning cup of tea. Yes! And I'm going to get my cup as soon as I am off of here.
I was so surprised that yesterday was such a pleasant day at work. There are so few of them that having one is so nice. The people coming in were so appreciative of everything we did to help them, even the ones with major problems. The kids were loud, but not over the top, even the staff had smiles on their faces and a good mood. I can only hope today is as good. It should be since the weekend is almost here.
I am having a mini meeting this morning to catch my staff up on the changes going on in the library system. This will be the first time in 5 months that we will all be together at the same time. I can only hope that this will be the norm soon. Oh please let it be soon.
Our friend, Jim, from church came over yesterday to visit with Joe. Joe said they had such a good time. After Jim left, Joe went next door and visited with our neighbor, Bea. Bea has diabetes and has had to have both of her legs amputated. She doesn't get out a lot and I'm sure gets lonely. That was so nice of him to think of her and give her a visit.
I got a lot done yesterday before I left for work because it was my late day. Not so much today when I have to be in early. I think I'll have only the time to put the trash out before I leave.
Last night I stopped at ShopRite on the way home from work. I was just going to pick up a chicken and potato salad for dinner, but saw they were having a 99 cent frozen vegetable sale and filled up. My freezer is now full of corn on the cob, rice with veggies, sweet potatoes, peas, chopped onions, and more. I am one happy girl. I saw some other great sales (like a loaf of rye bread for 94 cents) and came home a half hour later with six bags of groceries for $35. Yay for me!
I found out through an email yesterday at I have 26 followers on a place called feedspot.com. They are all men and I am wondering why a bunch of men from all different countries are following me and reading about my life. This seems very strange to me and I am not real comfortable about it. Has anyone else heard of this place? And if you are one of my feedspot readers would you please comment and tell me why you are following me? (I like cooking, decorating, find your life interesting, etc.) I always said when blogging stops being fun, the blog goes. Hmm...
I'd better get off of here, put out the trash, get breakfast, feed Joe, and get ready to leave for work. I have an hour and a half to do this. Will I make it? We'll see.
This weekend will be very busy, but I hope to do some posts with some great pictures of the fun stuff. In spite of all the work ahead of me, I am looking forward to the next few days.
Got to run. Until later...
High: 74 degrees
Low: 52 degrees
Sunrise: 6:52 a.m.
Sunset: 6:50 p.m.