Hello, friends. Hope you are all well. A lot has happened since I last wrote. Let me tell you what has been going on.On Friday the 4th I had a fasting blood test at my doctor's. I was the only one there and everyone was masked so I felt very safe. When I got out I was very hungry and so went to Wawa and got breakfast sandwiches for Joe and me. Everything was great until later that night when I began to feel sick. By the time I went to bed I knew that I had a stomach virus. I've had enough of them to know the signs. Yuk!
This lasted for almost a week. I barely kept anything down and was miserable. I began feeling better on Wednesday and so had chicken broth and an egg for breakfast. It was good to have something in my stomach. But then...
I started having palpitations in my chest. I often have this after I eat but it lasts just a few seconds. This went on for over half an hour. I began to think I was having a heart attack and called 911. The paramedics came over and took me to the nearest hospital (just a few minutes from my house).
I was checked into the Emergency Room and they hooked me up to the machines and took some blood. I was there for a couple of hours and then they took some more blood.
The lady in the bed next to me started talking to me. It turns out that when I worked for the library she was one of my customers. Small world!
The blood did not come back good, so I was told they were going to keep me overnight for observation. I wanted to go home but let me tell you I was feeling so bad that I was glad for them to keep me. Of course all the palpitations had stopped on the way to the hospital and never came back the entire time I was there.
The nurses and Physician's Assistant and doctors were so nice and so good. I have never had such good care as I had in this hospital. I was afraid to go there because I had heard bad things about it, but they were wonderful. And the room, even though it was older was nice and very clean. I got a kick out of the picture they had on the wall. It was of a street in the neighborhood I grew up in. I recognized the corner.
I had told them that I was scheduled to have a barium swallow test at the other branch of the hospital the next day and I was told that since I was right there they would do the test. And they did. It was hard because I couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight. And they ended up not doing the test until 2 p.m. But it was probably better that I was in the hospital because I couldn't cheat where I would have been tempted to do so at home.
The tests showed what was wrong. It wasn't my heart at all, but my esophagus that was having the problem and banging against my chest wall. So now I know what has to be treated. Hopefully the easy way will do the job and I will be OK.
After the test I was given a sandwich to eat and I went home. Just as they were telling me I could go, my friend called and I asked if she could come and get me. She did. What wonderful timing. Since I came in the ambulance, my car was at home. Joe couldn't come and get me because he was at the doctor having a test himself. We make quite a pair don't we?
I was really glad to get home. But I have been so tired since. I don't know if it is the time change or because I've been sick, but I am exhausted. I sleep 10 and 12 hours at a time.
So that's my story. Hope I didn't bore you.
Yesterday was Pi Day. 3.14 is pi or March 14. What do you eat on that day? Pie of course. We had to go food shopping and while we were there we got an apple pie. It was good. Well, still good because there's about half of it left.

Joe had more pie than me because he had a pizza for dinner.
It was a beautiful warm day today. Tomorrow will be cooler, but then on Friday it's supposed to go up to 75*F (24*C). I can't wait to go out in the yard on this beautiful day.
That's about it. I am planning on celebrating St. Patrick's Day tomorrow. Not a lot, but a little Irish going on. Hope you all have a wonderful night.