September where did you go? I so looked forward to my "September Morn" on the first of the month and my anniversary on the 16th and now the month is over. I think I feel a sob coming on.
First of all, thank you for all your comments on my eggplant post. I have eaten eggplant since I was a tiny child and never thought anything of it. It was just something you ate. I had no idea so many people have never eaten it or didn't like it. Both you my readers and the people in the class I attended have opened my eyes.
I was not feeling all that good this morning, but went to work anyway. I'm not sure I should have because I ended up falling asleep while I was doing some computer work and almost fell off of the chair. I ended up not eating lunch. Instead I laid my head down on my desk and went sound asleep for half an hour. I felt better when I woke up, but I'm still really tired.
Joe called off Bible study tonight because he still is not feeling good. He says he will be OK for Saturday and I hope so because this has been going on for about a week now. If he is not better by tomorrow morning I am going to make him go to the doctor. I don't know if your husband (or wife) is like mine, but he always wants to "ride it out" and see if he can get well by himself. Sometimes you just need an antibiotic to knock it out of your system.
And now it's late and I have to go to bed. Really! I can hardly keep my eyes open. So goodnight everyone.