Cherdecor mentioned yesterday that it was very hot to watch a parade. It was hot, but we were sitting in the shade, there was a breeze, and it was in the morning before it got too hot.
Here are the rest of the pictures from the parade:
This is a group called "Hype" that did all types of flag twirling. Very good.
Some of the Navy Reserves.
And the Army Airborne Association.
Of course the Boy Scouts always march.
Another pipe and drum corps. Their sign was blowing and I couldn't read who they were, but they were good. I love bagpipes.
Here's the Ferko String Band. They weren't wearing their costumes, but I don't blame them. Those costumes are heavy and hot!
This is a group made up of almost all the Protestant churches in the neighborhood. I marched with them one year.
This is the neighborhood Catholic elementary school's float. Joe's twin boys attend this school. Right after I took this picture they set off a confetti gun. Of course it was so quick I couldn't get a picture of it. That seemed to be the way the day went.
This was an Irish dance group. They didn't dance for us, though.
Here are some mummers in costume. They were with the Irish dancers.
This was part of the Bridesburg Outboard Motor Club. Loved this car!
Here's the ROTC from my alma mater.
Another honor guard.
This Army truck was huge. Joe says he's been on one. I can't figure out how he got in it!
The Aqua String Band. They weren't wearing costumes either.
An old (and I do mean old) Philly bus. A blast from the past!
We knew the parade was ending when we saw good old number 33 fire engine.
Of course there was much more, but these are the highlights of the parade. Hope you enjoyed it. My vacation, Memorial Day and the month of May are over. On to June and let's see what that brings.