Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Hello, friends!  It's so hard to believe that it is September already.  The nights are getting longer and colder.  It has been down in the 50s most nights.  The days, however, are still warm and in the 80s.  I have to wear two different outfits each day.

I usually have a special day when September comes.  September is my favorite month of the year.  This year, however, I spent the day cleaning and sleeping.  Really exciting, isn't it? 

I did, however, make my September 1st dinner of spare ribs.  I always have spare ribs for dinner on the first day.  But each year I make something different to go with it.  This year it was potato salad and Brussels sprouts.  Well...  OK, I cheated a bit and bought the potato salad.  But I still don't have a complete kitchen.

I'm so glad that September is here.  In the next few days I will catch you up on what has been going on.  I hope you all enjoy your September.


Thursday, August 29, 2024



Hello, friends!  I am blown away that so many of you are still interested in reading my blog.  I had so many comments and many of you asked me questions, so I thought I would use this time to answer them.

Moving is hard.  Yes, it is and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  Especially as Martha Jane pointed out when you have lived most of your life in one place.  But it is getting easier, and I really do like my new neighborhood and my new house.

Diane (Lavender Dreamer) I moved just five blocks from where I was living, but it's like another world.  Cross a few major streets and it's so different.  I am still in a row house, built the same year as where I was, but it is newly renovated and that makes a world of difference.  It has central air, two bathrooms, new floors, new kitchen and bathroom.

Terri, yes trusting God to get us through is what we are doing.

Jo, it has been hard moving.  I will try to post pictures of the new place soon.  Right now, it is a mess!  Still have lots of bags and boxes hanging around.

Susie, I am giving away so much stuff.  Before we moved, we threw out tons of stuff.  Now as I go through things, I fill bags and every other week my friend and I go to Goodwill and make a donation.  She is going through things too.  I haven't been inside to buy anything either.

Deb, I know you are all up to date with what is going on with me.  You really keep up with things.

Brenda, I just answered your first question about where I moved.  I still teach Bible Study at church, although I really injured myself moving and had to take about a month off.  I was in so much pain that I finally went to Urgent Care and the doctor told me to keep off of my legs for two weeks.  That helped so much.

Becky, it was a three storey house which is very common around here.  No house here, though, has an elevator.  It would be cool if they did.  All of our boxes are labeled, but 2/3 of them are still in storage.  We have to empty our house first before we bring them in.

Sandra, it is good to know that someone remembers me working in the library.  I so loved my job, but it got to be too much for me.  Thank you so much for hanging with me. 

I hope I didn't miss anyone.  I will try to be better about writing.  See you all later.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Hello, friends.  I know it has been a while since I was on here.  The reason is that Joe and I moved.  We have been looking at houses for three and a half years and finally decided to just sell our house and see what opened up.  We almost didn't have any place to move.  We were down to the last few weeks and had nowhere to go.  We were looking in Philadelphia as well as several other cities and states.  I really thought we would be in either Lancaster County or down the shore in New Jersey.  Those were the major places we were looking.  But something opened up unexpectedly in Philly and so here we are.

This time was one of the worst of my life.  I cried almost every day.  The depression from losing my friend Debbie, my cat Jack, and the home I had been living in for 44 years was too much for me.  Plus trying to pack up a big three storey house was horrible.  Even after I moved I cried every day for a couple of weeks.  Blogging was the last thing on my mind.

We have been in the new house for six weeks now.  It is still a mess, full of cartons and bags to unpack.  My health has not been good so I can do only a bit at a time.  But when I look back on what it looked like six weeks ago, I see a huge difference.  The first two weeks we were here we ate out every meal because I could not find pots and pans, utensils, dishes or even food.  It is better now.  I still can't find a lot of things, but I have enough that I make breakfast and dinner almost every day.  We don't have our kitchen set up yet, and we eat in the living room off of TV trays, but at least it is better.

Once things get better, I will take pictures and show you.  But I have missed all of you.  I hope to get back to blogging now with fall coming up.  Thank you to those of you who have contacted me to see if I was OK.  You know who you are, and I appreciate you so much.

Here it is almost September and my favorite month of the year.  I'm looking forward to the first when I have my annual barbequed spare ribs dinner.  Then there is Labor Day.  And our anniversary.  And the beginning of Fall.  I will miss having a tree in my back yard to watch turn colors.  Come to think of it, there really aren't any trees around here.  I will have to go looking for my fall color.

Joe is going to a Phillies game today with his friends from his Veterans group.  My friend Donna and I are going to go to Goodwill to drop off things.  Then we are going to go to Royal Farms, get some chicken and have dinner together.  We have been going to Goodwill a lot.  When I moved I didn't have a lot of time to pack up, so I just packed everything.  Yes, trash, clothes that didn't fit me, stuff I didn't want...  So Goodwill is getting regular visits from me.  Donna is cleaning out her house, so she is happy to go along and get rid of some of her stuff too.

I am watching "Chopped" as I write this and the theme is cheese.  Now I feel like eating cheese!  I am so easily influenced.  *sigh*  I can't eat cheese because I have a milk allergy.  And I love it so much.

But I have to run now and get my Goodwill bag together.  So I will talk to you all soon.  Have a great day!
