Saturday, June 29, 2024



Hello, friends!  Happy Saturday.  The weekend is here, although it isn't the same as when I was working full time.

Things are just so busy around here.  And I am so tired all the time.  I have been sleeping a lot.  I realize I am certainly not the same person I was when I bought this house 44 years ago.  At that time I could run up to the third floor and down to the basement with no problem.  Now I have trouble walking around one floor.

To make life easier we have been cleaning out the house.  Our friend John has been helping us.  We worked in the basement this week and threw out six huge bags of trash.  We had no idea there was so much down there.  And we had no idea that a lot of it was destroyed by mold and water.  I lost a lot of things that I would rather have kept.  Expensive things too.  Joe was surprised at how many tools he had.  He had missed them and then just bought new.  Oh my!  What happened?  How did we get so old?  There is a lot more to go, but we have made a huge dent in it.

I am so tired that I haven't been cooking a lot.  Yesterday I got out some ground beef, but was so tired that I slept from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.  Joe called out for dinner so that I didn't have to cook.  But I didn't want the meat to go bad, so I put together a meat loaf and put it in the refrigerator for tonight.  You don't know what a relief it is to know that when dinner time comes, all I have to do is pop it into the oven.  It is even in the pan to put into the oven.  All I have to do is put a frozen veggie in the microwave and cut up some fresh strawberries for dessert.

I think a lot of my tiredness comes from my heart.  I haven't seen my cardiologist in awhile.  I really don't like him that much.  It is his way without listening to anything I am saying.  So I am looking for a new cardiologist.  He can't be the only one in Philadelphia.  This has to be a priority for me.

It has been very hot here.  It was cooler yesterday and is supposed to be today also, but lots of rain.  Rain has not been our friend lately.  It has found a way into our kitchen through the roof.  *sigh*  Looks as if we need to get that patched.

Guess I had better end and start the day.  I love early mornings best of all the day.  It's quiet, I'm alone and I can more or less do what I want.  Great time to pray and read my Bible too.

See you all later.


Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Hello, friends.  I know it's been a while.  I have been either sick or very busy for weeks.  But I had to come on and say Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.  I miss my dad and my step-dad.  They were wonderful men.  My dad was a Marine and my step-dad in the Navy so they were both heroes in my book.

Today we are going to a church in our denomination for the first time.  Joe wants to visit this church and see if we like it.  The church we have been attending is down to six members and usually on Sunday morning there are seven people in the congregation at most.  We don't expect it to be able to be open much longer.  Joe doesn't want to wait until the last Sunday and then have to scramble to find some place to attend.  We both love the Bible Fellowship Church so want to find another church in our denomination to attend.  This one is about 30 minutes away and probably the next closest to us.

It's always strange to go into a new church.  People there all know each other.  They have their ways of conducting their service, etc.  But I know from experience that after you attend for a few weeks you fit right in.  Especially at a church people are glad to see you.  I am wondering how it will be on Father's Day.  If there will be special things going on.

Joe's father is also with the Lord.  He was a Marine -- another hero.  He always treated me as if I were his own daughter and I loved him for that.

It is going to be a hot day.  And I hot next few days also.  The weatherman just said as the week goes on you may think your body has adjusted to the temperature, but it is better to stay inside and have the air conditioner on.  I'm with him.

I went to the doctor this week.  He gave me arthritis medication, but after reading the warnings that came with it, I'm nervous about taking it and will call him tomorrow to ask about the potential side effects.  I know they have to tell you the worst case scenario, but in big letters it says it may cause death.  Yikes!

I also had a blood test taken and most of the results were very good.  But the part for my kidneys was not.  I want to talk to the doctor about that also.

There are some good things happening, though and I can't wait to talk to you about it.  But I can't just yet.  I will though.  So stay tuned.

Now I have to get ready for church.  See you all later.


Saturday, May 25, 2024



Hello, friends!  Hope you are all doing well.  It is so hot here in Philly.  Wish I were down the shore where it is 20 degrees cooler.

Joe and I were in Cape May Court House and in Wildwood Crest last weekend.  We had been planning on this trip for several weeks to celebrate Joe's birthday, but with all the things going on here, it was a good idea to get away for a while.

We headed down in the morning because we wanted to go to the flea market at Cape Community Church.  I had some books and book covers to sell.  We set up and waited.  And waited.  It was drizzling, but nothing bad.  There were almost no venders and certainly no customers.  It was bad.  I didn't sell one thing.

When it started pouring and everyone was packing up, we left too.  I had gotten us a room at the Bel Air in Wildwood Crest.  Even though it was early, we headed over there hoping we could get into our room.

I really wasn't trying to get a shot of Joe here.  I was trying to get the cool waves sculpture you can just see out the window.  Too bad I couldn't get a better shot because it was wonderful.

We were able to get into the room early.  When the lady at the front desk told us the room was on the second floor, I asked where the elevator was.  No elevator, but a flight of 15 steps and then down a walkway.  That was really tough!

The room was beautiful.  More like a little apartment with a living room, closet/coffee area, bedroom and bathroom.  I loved the Tiffany light in the living room part.

I had been feeling sick all day, so the first thing I did was lay down and went right to sleep for a couple of hours.  When I woke up I was still in pain and had a headache.  Joe came in the room and we debated what to do about dinner.  Because of the steps I felt like a prisoner in this beautiful apartment.  Finally, I agreed to go out with him.  We got ready and headed for the Vegas Diner.  

But first we stopped at CVS.  Joe had forgotten to pack a few things.  Like his toothbrush and toothpaste.  I asked him to get me some aspirin.  When he got back into the car, I took one.  By the time we got to the diner I was feeling a bit better.

We were able to get the Early Bird Specials.  Joe had a salad, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.  I had chicken orzo soup, grilled salmon, mashed potatoes and a butternut squash with pineapple.  Everything was so good.  Joe got rice pudding for dessert but I was too full and got bread pudding to go.

Going back to the hotel we stopped at Wawa to get some donuts for breakfast.  That way we didn't have to go out for breakfast in the morning before church.  He also got a plastic spoon to eat the bread pudding.

I really couldn't eat any of the desserts they had because they all had milk in them.  But I wanted to get something.  I knew Joe loved bread pudding so I gave it to him.  He said it was good.

I found the Phillies game on TV, and we started watching it.  It was a good game.  Toward the end nothing was happening so Joe decided to go brush his teeth, etc. to get ready for bed.  Of course, that is when we got a home run and won the game.  I was yelling for him, but he couldn't get there in time.  Fortunately, they showed it again on the news and he got to see it.

I slept good that night.  In the morning, I went into the living room and opened the curtains a bit so that I could see the ocean.

We got ready and went to church.  It was so good seeing everyone again.  And the message was really good.

Afterwards Mike and Elaine asked if we wanted to go to lunch with them at South 9.  We like that place, so we said yes.  It turned out that Pastor Brad and Vikki went too.  The guys sat at one end of the table and the girls at the other and we had two different conversations going on.  I got the crab cake sandwich and it was wonderful!  I could eat it every day.  Joe got a burger and fries which he liked a lot.

After that we headed home.  We would love to live down there and go to church there every week, but it is so expensive to live at the shore.

We stopped at Farley Plaza on the way home to use the restroom.  And to switch drivers.  It's the halfway point home.  Joe had driven that far, so I took over and drove the rest of the way home.  As I was pulling out of the parking space, I saw the Tesla charging station.  This is what our future is going to look like.

We got home safely and took a lot of time petting George and playing with him.  We had two of our friends taking care of him so he was ok.  Just lonely.

It was a good thing to get away.  I'm not crying anymore.  Well, once in a while, but not like I was.

I'm going to go get something to eat and take my medicine so I will see you all later.  Have a wonderful evening.
