Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is not a Monday I want to repeat.  I was just getting up this morning when my co-worker Diane called.  She wanted to let me know she was sick and would not be into work.  I told her she had to call our boss, Jerry, at work to call out sick, not me at home.  She asked if I would tell him.  I said yes, I would tell him, but she still needed to call him.  So I began my day knowing that for most of it I would be the only Library Assistant.  And so I was.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I was busy the whole day.  I spent 3 hours straight on the desk and was able to bring most of my work out there and do it between waiting on customers.  Sheila, our new Children's Librarian, took over for me while I went to lunch.  Then I was on the desk another hour until our part-timer Marquita came in and she was on the desk for the last two hours so I could go into the workroom and get something done.  (I still haven't opened the mail for the day.)  Well, we do what we can and I think it worked out pretty well all things considering.

Tonight we went to Target when I got home from work.  I had gotten this really cute sweater, but when I got home and tried it on I realized that I had gotten a size too small.  So we had to return it.  It was on the clearance rack and there were none left, so guess I won't be getting that.  I did, however, get a pretty aqua striped top and a cute little rose colored dress.  The dress is a summer one, but I can wear it with a jacket and get a couple of wearings out of it before the end of the warm weather.

Then we went to Shop Rite.  While we were there we ran into Pastor Justin and Cherie.  We talked to them for a few minutes and then went on.  After that every aisle we went down, there they were.  I accused them of stalking us!  Ha, ha.  We even ended up checking out the same time and leaving the store together.

When I got home I started putting the food away.  Joe went to talk to one of the neighbors.  As I was throwing something in the trash, I slipped on a wet patch on the floor and fell flat on my back.  The floor was so slippery I couldn't get a foothold to get up.  I tried to pull myself up by holding onto a chair and the chair fell over.  I was calling for Joe, but didn't know he was three houses down and couldn't hear me.  I waited until I heard him come in and called and he was able to help me up.  I am very sore and bruised but there are no broken bones.  Thank God!  Joe wants me to go to the doctor in the morning.  We'll see how I feel.

I definitely do NOT want to repeat this day.  I'm going to bed and hopefully start a better day tomorrow.


  1. Falling is scary, but not being able to get up.... I hope you are ok this morning.

  2. What a day!
    At least it's over and today is a new day.
    How are you feeling?
    How is your sister?

  3. Kathy! You poor thing! You are going to be a little sore today! Hope you are okay!
    Ok, I have a request...if you are interested and willing...would you do a post on the daily responsibilities of a librarian...like in detail. My reason for this is, I have learned so much from you about your stories at the library that I wasn't aware of. But,I am still curious about the work you have to get done. From a patron's perspective, I never realized what a librarian goes through and the amount of work you do. I really only thought that a librarian checks books in and checks books out and puts books back on the shelf and then goes home at the end of the day. Please, I don't mean any disrespect at all. You have opened my eyes. But I find it really fascinating to learn the behind the scenes of a job especially one I was not familiar with. I would really find it interesting to see a post about the job and responsibilities of a librarian. Like for instance, when you have to be on the desk for hours and you can't get to your work, what is it that you are needing to get to. I love libraries. Honestly, the library is one of my favorite places to be. I love books of all kinds and the thought of them all being there at your fingertips to borrow is just the greatest thing to me. Not to mention the free programs for kids and such. So, what do you think??

  4. @Bonnie, it is a world unto itself. I will be glad to do a post on a typical day in the life of a library. I am only a library assistant, but I will tell you my job and some of what the librarians also face. It is a lot more than most people think.

  5. As I was just re-reading my comment, I just realized it sounds like I was asking you to do a guest post on my blog..I was meaning on your own blog...but then I thought..WAIT..AWESOME IDEA!! I would LOVE for you to do guest post on my blog about this!!! That would be awesome! Have you seen that before, I have...and then you post on your blog that you are a guest at my blog and you leave a link! Ok, just let me know if you want to ...if you don't, that is fine, I don't want you to feel pressured at all. I have to figure out how you do that though. The only thing I can think of is you would have to have my email and password to log in to my account. I am going to ask another blogger who I know has done it a few times and ask her how she did it.

  6. @Bonnie, I will post on my blog (I think a lot of people would find it interesting) and you can link me to your blog. Will that work?

  7. Kathy, yes that would be great!! I will definitely link to your blog! Looking forward to your post and I know my readers will really enjoy it and find it interesting as well. Thank you!

  8. @Christine, I am feeling sore today, but no visible bruises or broken bones so God was very good to me. My sister is better, but not well. She is able to talk more, but still coughing a lot. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to lift her up.


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