Tuesday, July 30, 2019


It's time for my annual Sisters Getaway with my sister Elaine.  We do it every year around her birthday.  Yesterday she drove down here and we headed for Lancaster County.  I have lots of pictures to show you, so let's begin.

We left Philly around 11:00 a.m. and headed west.  Elaine drove so I got a chance to take pictures.  I love Philadelphia's skyline.  This shows City Hall with William Penn's statue on the top and Liberty Place behind it.

This is the new Amtrak building.  I had never seen it before.  I love it.

In just an hour we were no longer in the city but driving along Route 30 with it's pretty scenery.

Along one stretch of the road almost every tree had lots of moth nests in them.  Some trees were almost covered in them.  Wow!

You know you are in Lancaster County when you begin to see the farmland.

Such a pretty drive.

We saw lots of fields of tobacco.

And even more fields of corn.  Lots of corn.

When we got out there, we were hungry so we went to Rockvale Diner to get a sandwich and iced tea.  We got seated quickly and the waitress came over to get our order.  And then we waited.  And waited.  Over half an hour we waited for a BLT and a tuna salad sandwich.  Finally I caught the waitress' eye.  Her eyes widened and she ran for the register.  She had forgotten to put our order in.  She apologized over and over and even offered to give us a free dessert, but we told her not to worry about it and declined the dessert.  But we will think about going there again.

While we were waiting, we were looking out the window next to the table and I saw one of my favorite sights.  Favorite because it's so funny.  Dickey's Barbecue Pit next to Ultimate Fat Loss System.  You go from one to the other I guess.  Ha, ha.

After we ate we headed over to the Lenox Outlet.  They had such beautiful things but we were both broke and couldn't afford them.  I headed over to the Clearance Section where they were marked down even more.  Look at this entire rack of goblets!

Beautiful glassware.

Aren't these pilgrim kitties cute?

A glass fish.

This dish was adorable.

Vampire cats anyone?

I fell in love with this bowl but even the marked down price was too expensive.

Next we headed to the Christmas section.  These trees were so cute.

This tree and angel were so pretty!

Three smiling reindeer holding a bowl on their heads.  So cute!

Elaine found this creamer shaped like a milk carton.  She ended up buying it.

The last thing I need is more Christmas mugs.  But I really liked these.

Going down one of the Kate Spade aisles I spotted this little dish.  Life really is sweet.

This one made me laugh.  It sounds like me!

We bought a few things and then headed to Reading China and Glass.  I wanted to buy one small scoop to make my cookies.  Well, you know that didn't happen.  Again, I'll show you my purchases in another post.  There is an entire wall of just small kitchen gadgets.  You can find anything there.  And I did.

And so did Elaine.

You can find anything kitchen related in this store.  They've even begun selling brooms!

This made us chuckle.  They had Christmas trees displayed next to a grill.  It was Christmas in Florida.  Or maybe Australia.

I was getting really tired by this time because I hadn't slept well the night before.  But we wanted to stop at one more place before we checked into our room.  Last year we discovered Antique Village.  I am not into antiques that much, but Elaine is.  She can take old things and make them new again.  To me this is just a bunch of old junk.  To her, it is a treasure.

She even went into the barns at the back to search out a treasure she could use.  But the things she was interested in were too large to transport back to her house.

We checked into the room and got ready to go out for dinner.  Elaine wanted to go to Bird-in-Hand Restaurant for her birthday dinner so that's where we headed.  We both got the smorgasbord and boy was it hard to choose what to get.  I ended up with herbed potatoes, a stuffed pepper, meat loaf and zucchini casserole that I thought was so good that I am going through my Amish cookbooks to see if I can find the recipe.

After the meal we looked around in the shop attached to the restaurant and then headed out.  We had had a busy day and just wanted to relax.  Outside of the restaurant were these huge pots of geraniums.  Big geraniums.  So bright red and so pretty.

In front of the entrance were these big pots of different kinds of plants and flowers.  So pretty!

Across the road from the restaurant is a farm.  I always like looking over there.

Yesterday there were two horses grazing.  It looked so peaceful.

I thought I would give you a quick view of our room.  I never got to take pictures of the bathroom, but it was nice.  Here are the beds.  They were so comfortable.

This was the view out of the window.  An Amish farm.

In the opposite direction was a beautiful sunset.

There was a nice computer table.

And a cabinet with some drawers and a microwave and a refrigerator.  The TV was sitting on top of the cabinet.

We watched some TV and then went to bed.  It was a long day, but a fun one.  I'll tell you about day two tomorrow.

Until then...



  1. It's always so much fun 'traveling' with you via your photos! I love the reindeer bowl,the milk carton & the Mr & Mrs mugs! Adorable! The room looks so comfy...zzz. The sunset...so beautiful. Looking forward to day2!

  2. wow...you crammed so much into one day. Thats my kind of trip...loved the countryside..the antiques and the glassware..especially the pilgrim cats
    Looking forward to Day 2
    Phoebe x

  3. Kathy, I love when you and your sister get together and enjoy time. Gosh, I probably would not eat at the first place again. LOL. The place your sister chose for her b-day meal...looked great. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  4. this was fun Kathy..love the Amish farmland....what a great little trip with your sister...thanks for letting us tag along!

  5. How wonderful to have vacation time with your sister! I have more of her sensibilities about shopping á la the antique shop rather than the Lenox Outlet, though it would be fun to look around there, too. (Not a fan of kitty Pilgrims...sacrilege! LOL!) Keep having fun, Sisters!

  6. Hi Kathy! Oh, what a wonderful time you must have had with your sister. I don't have any siblings but if I could and could choose I'd take a sister! Thanks for sharing your trip with us and your sweet visit to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Sounds like an awesome fun day with your sister. The photos are great! Those geraniums are gorgeous. Enjoy your time together, hugs, Edna B.

  8. Sounds like you had a great time! I didn't know moths nests existed! Haha. The food you ate looked tasty though and the scenery around the area looked beautiful. Wish I was there!


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