Where oh where is this year going? I thought the summer lasted a long time and I was so happy. But September just flew by. And the weeks seem to be here and gone. Before you know it I will be retired. I will miss working. I will miss the camaraderie. But I certainly will not miss the problem people I have to deal with each day. Thank goodness there are tons of wonderful people to balance them out.
One of our customers made us cupcakes the other day. They were strawberry with a cream cheese frosting and she called them strawberry shortcake cupcakes. They were amazingly good. It gave me the idea of making this same thing for church one week. Yum! I try to make season appropriate treats for church so right now I am into apples and pumpkins. But in the spring I will make these and put a strawberry on top. I think they will be so cute.
Joe and I have to get our birth certificates. We are sending off for them this coming week. I need them to get my pension and my Social Security benefits. It sounds so weird to say I'm applying for Social Security.
I was not feeling good on Thursday and called out sick. But there weren't enough people that showed up, so I bit the bullet and went in late. Oh well.
My co-worker, Bob, wanted to buy a new camera and liked mine a lot. He wanted to know how easy it was to use, so I let him use mine to take a picture. And he took a picture of me! So here I am in my natural habitat with the usual boxes of books to unpack piled up on my desk.
Ocean City, New Jersey has been getting hit with this latest hurricane. Here is a picture of the Fifth Street beach from Thursday. I'm very familiar with this part of the beach. It is so scary to see this.
I am working today, so I had Friday off. I was so tired I just could not wake up. I slept until almost 11:00 a.m. I never sleep like that. But at least my afternoon was productive. I got a load of wash done, a load of dishes in the dishwasher, and cleaned up the corner by the living room door where we have a habit of just dropping things because it's convenient. There is LOTS more cleaning to do as anyone who has seen my house can tell you, but like I said before I'm doing it in little steps. That seems to be all I can do these days but I feel that doing something is better than doing nothing.
Here is my cleaned off table. I put out another pumpkin and have an apple scented candle burning. I had to blow it out, though, because Snowy wanted to investigate the flame and I could just see her setting herself on fire.
I got this pumpkin in Lancaster and it says "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow." I love it.
Tonight Joe will be preaching again at Saturday night service. I think he gets better each week as he gets more comfortable with it. I'll give you the link for his second message when I post it. He had 29 people view his first message. We never expected that so thank you so much for watching it.
This will be a tough day with working and getting to church on time and trying to fit dinner in there somewhere. To top it off I've been fighting a sore throat all day. I have a doctor's appointment for Friday, so if I still have it by then I will ask her for some medication. But hopefully it will be all gone by then.
Today is my goddaughter, Emi's, birthday. She turns 27 and it seems like yesterday she was born. Here she is with her mom, my friend, Martha. This is her first birthday as a married lady. How did she get old enough to be married?
I have to get some more sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow. Until then...
64 days until I retire.
Love this post! It was just like a visit. The cupcakes sound yummy.I really like the Praise God pumpkin.Your decorations are always pretty. Sorry to hear you didn't feel well. This seems to be the season for colds,allergies etc. Hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be rocking on that cabin's porch! Stay warm!
People seem to like the pictures I find on the internet. I think that cabin looks so peaceful.
DeleteHi Kathy, I really like the picture at the top of your post. That pretty pumpkin on your table is perfect and I can imagine how wonderful the candle smells. Blessings... :)
ReplyDeleteThe candle did smell good until I had to blow it out. That Snowy cat is something else. She's always into everything. Thanks for your compliment on the pumpkin. It was so unusual I just had to buy it.
DeleteHave a great day, Kathy! I didn't realize that you sometimes worked on Saturdays. Can't believe you are only 64 days away from retirement. You will be so busy that you will wonder how you ever found time to work-once you retire---at least that is what happened to me. lol
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great day. Love the pictures and that little cabin just sets off longings in my heart. xo Diana
The library is open six days a week although we each work only five days. We have either Friday or Saturday off. I can't believe it's only 64 days either. I've waited for this for so long. And I do have so much to do once I have the time to do it. Everyone seems to like that picture of the cabin.
DeleteKathy, You will miss your co-workers, especially the ones that are friends. That is one of the things I miss about not working. I cried the first day after retiring, because I no longer had job....seemed I had worked forever. You will get to have time with Joe and go on adventures. I loved you little pumpkin. Yes, those darn kids have a way of growing up...and fast. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
ReplyDeleteI feel as if I've worked forever too although I know I haven't. And I will miss my friends terribly. But there is so much on my plate that I want to accomplish that I know I will never be bored or lonely.
DeleteSure hope you get to feeling better soon. Is your thyroid medicine at the right level yet? That and working so hard, so long, would wear me out too. Retirement will be hard at first but it will soon level out and you will be glad you did it. God bless.
ReplyDeleteIt's this changeable weather -- one day hot, the next in the 50s. I will find out in six weeks what's going on with my thyroid when I have another blood test done.. I don't think retirement will be hard at all. I am so looking forward to it. So many things I want to do that I don't have time to do now.
DeleteLast time I was here you were a working gal and now you're an almost retired gal. I'm sure that there are mixed emotions. I think you'll enjoy retirement as you don't strike me as one who prefers a rocking chair. It'll be a busy retirement. =D Love the graphics you've chosen for your post!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, there are mixed emotions. I love the people I work with, but not so much the job anymore. I just got cursed out ten minutes ago because I wouldn't allow someone to take out a book that doesn't circulate. I can't wait to get away from that.
DeleteYou will love retirement, Kathy, doing ALL the things you love! You will be amazed at how anything got done when you were working. And if you are not up to it, there is always a fresh new day tomorrow! lol
ReplyDeleteBarbara you make it sound just as I imagine it will be.
DeleteI love that little pumpkin and that little verse on it, so cute!
ReplyDeleteI've been down with the stomach virus all day today, hoping it passes very soon :)