Tuesday, July 2, 2019


This has been a very busy day and I'm very tired.  I started by being late to Bible Study.  In spite of having my class wait for me, I was able to get through the entire lesson.  It was on 1 Timothy 4.  Only two more chapters to go which works out great because on the third week I will be taking a break to have a little get away with my sister.

Since I did my shopping late last week, it seemed awfully early to do it this week.  But on Tuesdays the store gives seniors a 10% discount.  Let me tell you, that adds up to quite a bit of money some weeks.  I have saved as much as $12.00.  Joe had to go to the bank which is in the supermarket, so I did the weekly shopping while he waited for the banker and then spoke with her.  Since I did a large shopping last week, I needed only a few things.

One of the things I didn't take a picture of was a jug of cat litter.  We usually get a big bag, but I couldn't carry that and Joe still cannot carry things.  That is also why I got two gallon jugs of water instead of a case.  We have cool Kate Spade covered mugs we can put the water into.

We were invited to dinner tonight and Joe made a big salad to take.  So I got two packages of salad mix that were on sale for $1.69.  We added the grape tomatoes, some broccoli and an apple to it.  I also needed some lactose free cheese since I ate all of it the other night.

 This is our favorite salad -- spinach miso crunch.  I have not been able to find it at the other Shop Rite.  It is very popular there -- and very good.

Some broccoli and peaches.  These are the first peaches I will have had this year.  They look and smell great.

I ran out of Dijon mustard the other night when I was making honey mustard chicken.  So I had to replace it.  And I got myself some iced tea because I was so thirsty.  The heat was bad today.  It was 102*F (39*C) in the car when I got in to go to the store.

More produce:  Bananas (Joe ate the last two), zucchini, a cucumber and asparagus.  We were almost out of lunchmeat so I picked up some ham.

Joe told me we needed bathroom cups so I got them.

And finally, I needed two oranges for a recipe I'm doing later next week but this Shop Rite doesn't sell loose oranges.  I had to buy an entire bag.  I guess we'll be eating oranges.

My pastor and his wife are away on vacation this week.  But her aunt who owns a greenhouse and some of the people from her church came over this evening with tons of plants and bushes and redid the entire church yard in front of the church.  Rick, our ministry assistant, was the only one there to let them in, feed them, etc.  So I offered to bring over a salad and Joe and I got invited to dinner.  Rick grilled some burgers and hot dogs and provided potato salad.  Everything was really good.

We ate before the work group because they wanted to get things into the ground while it was daylight.  Joe wasn't able to stay for the entire thing because he was in pain again.  So we went home before they were finished.  I am going back tomorrow to get my dishes and will take some pictures of the finished garden.  You will definitely get to see it in the next post.

It turned out that we did not go to the nursing home yesterday because Joe's pain came back and he had to go to bed.  I guess we thought he was further along than he actually was.  At least he sees the surgeon tomorrow for his follow-up visit.

And now I have to get some sleep.  I am not feeling all that great these days and I think it is the heat.  So I had better sleep while I can.  Hope you all have a good night.



  1. Oh blast. Now you’re both under the weather. That heat and humidity would wipe anyone out. I’ve been to lots of hot, humid places, but Philadelphia stands out in memory as one of the top five followed by Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Boston, Vermont, is that five yet? Ha!

    Praying for you guys. May Joe be right on schedule according to his doc.

    I’m going to look for that salad mix. It looks delicious.

  2. Sorry to hear Joe's in pain. Hopefully when he sees the doctor he'll be where he's supposed to be. Love the groceries. It all looks so delicious. I am so feeling for everyone in this heat.I was never a fan,but this year I am not a happy camper. I've actually lost my appetite which almost never happens! I live for A/C!! Hope you both fee better.

  3. I like salad mixes too. Never had that one though. So many of them have onions included....I don't mind a little raw onion but my body don't like them! Not worth ingesting =)
    The heat...... I'm certain it's worse in the city. Today I'm just hot, even in our air conditioned house! If it was up to me I'd have the air turned down a few degrees!
    Hope Joe is feeling better today. Glad he soon sees the doc. Take care, Kathy!

  4. Hope the heat doesn't affect you too much! It's also really hot in the UK too. I've been struggling through these last days of school in the heat but luckily, I've only got two days left.


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