Thursday, June 27, 2019


Well, my friends, are you hot?  We are in the middle of a heat wave here in Philly.  It was 90*F (32*C) yesterday and expected to go to 92*C (33*C) today.  Even higher tomorrow and Saturday.  I know not everyone enjoys the heat, but I would rather have it hot and go into air conditioning than have it cold and not be able to get warm.  Of course my ideal would be somewhere in the middle.

Yesterday Joe went out for the first time.  We went to Bible Study.  Pastor taught this week so all Joe had to do was sit there which was good.  The bad part was when we decided to stop in Shop Rite to grab a few things.  It turned out to be a little more than a few things and the walking was too much for poor Joe.  It is almost dinner time and he is still in bed.  I will get him up when we eat.  We didn't even get the entire week's groceries so I have to go back tomorrow and finish up.  I am going to take Donna with me.  She has someone coming to her house in the afternoon so we are going to make it a quick trip.  I will show you the haul tomorrow.

As for the garden, it is lovely.  I took some pictures to show you the beautiful roses.

I took these pictures with my tablet and I think they turned out pretty good!  Of course now my tablet is missing today.  *sigh*  And I still haven't found my missing lesson plan.  *another sigh*

I haven't been feeling too well this week.  Between the heat and my blood pressure (which has been back to normal) and my headaches and tiredness not much is getting done.  And there is so much to do!

On to the PHOTO CHALLENGE.  Day #21 has the word "summer".  I really couldn't figure out this one.  But last night I took a picture of the blooming hosta at church.  They bloom in summer -- right?

And Day #22 was "green".  That was easy.  Everything is green around here these days.  So I took a picture of the shady corner of my yard.

And with that I am getting off of here and making dinner.  Pork chops, rice with mushrooms and veggies of some kind.  I was going to have a salad but forgot to buy it last night.  Hope you all have a great evening.



  1. The roses are just gorgeous! Hope you and Joe both start feeling better. It's hard with the heat. Hope you get things done tomorrow without getting too hot. Take care! Hugs!

  2. Your roses are beautiful! It was very hot here on the western side of the state yesterday and today, too, but we're getting some relief right now with thunder storms. According to the thermometer in my car, the rain that started on my drive home from work dropped the temperature about 10 degrees!

  3. Your roses are beautiful! Your garden must bring so much joy to you, it looks so loved, I hope you feel better soon, this heat is even reached us!

  4. I like the pink ones but all flowers are pretty. Glad to hear your bp is back where it should be. I'm one of the 'not a fan of the heat'club but it's really the
    humidity. Ugh to sweaty & sticky. Hope you & Joe have an enjoyable day!

  5. I think your body is telling you to slow down. You have so many activities. I hope both of you are feeling much better really soon. Your flowers are beautiful. The blooming Hosta is really pretty. I'll have to go out and see if my Hosta are blooming. Here's hoping it cools down a bit for you. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Look at your roses! We have a miniature rose bush that's full of blooms. I do love the heat as long as I can get into air conditioning. But, it is really, really hot right now! Not mush porch sitting for me these days.
    Please take care! Hopefully soon you both will feel up to doing more but for now, nothing is going to walk away while it waits ;-)

  7. Oh the roses are so happy! Hope that both you and Joe are feeling much better with each passing day.


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