Monday, June 3, 2019


Isn't this garden beautiful?  I would love to have a garden that looked like this.  And the gardener to go with it, of course.

I had such a busy day today.  And I got so much done.  I began by putting together my medicine for the week.  As I get older I get more medication so it takes a little time to get everything sorted into the pill box I carry with me.  Then, of course, I took my morning medicine.

Jack was sitting there staring at me so of course I had to give him his breakfast.

After I ate breakfast I started a load of dishes and then washed by hand the Pioneer Woman pots and pans.  I love the set but you can't put them into the dishwasher.  That's a pain.  Literally in my back and legs.  Then I watered all the houseplants and fed the outside cats.  People two blocks from me are complaining on our neighborhood website about all the rodents in their back yards.  My block has none.  We have feral cats and they don't.  I'm willing to feed the cats to keep them around and the rodents gone.

I even got a load of wash done today.  Joe usually does the wash but he wasn't feeling well today so I did it myself.  We have had our new appliances over a year and it is only the third or fourth time I have used the washer and dryer.  Joe always tells me it's his job and he will do it.  You've got to love that about a husband.

After lunch I went out to the yard with my trusty garden pruners and attacked one part of it that was very overgrown.  I can't stand or bend long enough to work for very long, but doing it bit by bit it will get done.  And I was very proud of myself for getting an entire trash can cut back.  It looks so much better too.  I was going to take before and after shots for you but I forgot.  Oops.  I also filled the bird feeder.

After doing all of that work I decided to take a break and ended up sitting out at the patio table reading a book on my Kindle.  It was the perfect day.  Sunny and not too hot.  I stayed out there reading for quite awhile.  

Dinner wasn't much, just hot dogs.  Joe is still not feeling well, and I wasn't very hungry.  I'll have something better tomorrow.

We are sitting watching TV and just chilling for the rest of this evening.  I found my red, white and blue candle and I have the seashell candle lit.  It's a nice night.

Today's challenge word was "weather".  I figured if it was raining or snowing I could show weather.  But how to show the beautiful weather we had today?  So I took a picture of the sun as it was coming up this morning.

Does this say "weather" to you?  It does to me.  Especially after all the rain we have had.

Have a nice night everyone and I'll see you tomorrow.



  1. The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul! I love that verse and know you must feel good about all you did today!

  2. You deserved to chill out after your busy day and looks like Jack already has the same idea. Hope Joe is feeling better soon.

  3. What a gorgeous head shot of Jack! You accomplished a lot & are certainly entitled to a break.I love to sit outside & just listen to the birds, breeze & just 'be'.The shell looks so pretty! Hope Joe feels better soon.

  4. Yup. It says weather to me, too. I love that parting photo...that says “joy” to me.

  5. You certainly deserve some rest and relaxtion time after all you did. Love the picture of Jack and the 'weather' picture.

  6. A day well done Kathy! I hope you aren't too sore today. :)
    Great picture of Jack - his eyes are lovely.

  7. Pioneer Woman pots and pans? Really? They sound like the ones in the Old west. Jack is so cute, I was wondering why he lookd kind of angry, he wanted his food. I would also love to have a garden but we have only a few pots on the balcony.

  8. You had a productive day, Kathy! Out side work is something my hubby does. I don't enjoy it at all. I had to chuckle about Jack looking at you because he wanted fed. A stare-down will work ☺

  9. I love that garden too, especially that sweet door with the wreath. It says: Come in and enjoy the view! Your cat looks like our cat that passed away a few years ago. I rescued her on a rainy, cold November night when she was living under the bushes at our Church. She lived with us 14yrs after that night. She was great at keeping chipmonks away! Have a good week!


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