Can you believe there's only one more Sunday before Christmas? And still so much to do. I thought I would give you a brief run down on what was going on today.
It began with me frosting the cake I made yesterday and baking some blueberry muffin tops for breakfast.
I forgot that Dorothea was making her fabulous orange rolls for Fellowship Time today. So I put my cinnamon bun cake in the freezer to save it for next week.
Joe A and Carol led the singing for us this morning. They did a wonderful job of it. All Christmas carols.
Bud and his wife Karen were supposed to light the Advent candles this morning. But Karen was sick. So we drafted Krystal to light the candles and Bud read the scripture that went with it.
Joe gave a message on "The People of Christmas: Joseph". It was really good. Since he had found (finally) his glasses a couple of days ago he was able to actually see the sermon to read it this week. As soon as I post it to youtube I will give you the link.
I'm trying to decorate a little more. I hung some Christmas cards. Yesterday my friend, Marion, left a Christmas stocking on my door knob. It has some chocolate in it, a candy cane and a card. That was so nice of her. The stocking was so pretty I decided to hang it on the stairway.
I just had to put Pumpkin in his cage for a time out. He refuses to leave Snowy alone and jumped on the kitchen table and threw everything onto the floor, breaking stuff. He is a wild one. I don't want to give him to a shelter who will kill him, but we just can't keep him. I don't know what to do.
The movie on Sunday was a new one that was well advertised: "Northpole: Open for Christmas" (2015). It was a sequel to last year's "Northpole". I wasn't sure how it would be. You know how sequels are seldom as good as the original. But this was very good.

And here's a Christmas picture for you.
Since it is almost 2 a.m. and I have to get up for work in a few hours I will end. *sigh* There's always more to do than there is time to do it.
Until later...
18 days to retirement (I think)
That was so nice of Marion! The stocking is pretty,I can see why you put it up.
ReplyDeleteThe services sound lovely.Glad Joe found his glasses!
Rain predicted today....remember your umbrella!
Kathy, I loved the pretty. You could maybe advertise about pumpkin needing a home with children. They would help him burn that energy up. Blessings, xoxo,Susie