Monday, October 29, 2012


I didn't get to post yesterday because I fell asleep at 9:00 p.m.  I am just so tired.  I just woke up at 4:00 a.m. and decided to post now just in case there is no electricity later.

It was a busy Sunday.  After church there was an Elders' Meeting that Joe had to go to.  While the guys are meeting the wives and kids go to Fellowship Hall and have lunch.  Pastor Justin's wife, Cherie, made lunch this time.  We had tacos, nachos and brownies.  Everything was good.  It was a LONG meeting (2 1/2 hours) and it was hard keeping the little kids occupied.  They were bored and missing their afternoon naps.  Poor little guys.

When I got home I ended up spending most of the afternoon on the phone. I called my sister to make sure she was OK.  Then I called some of the people in our Tuesday Bible Study to tell them it was cancelled for this week because of the weather.  After that I returned a bunch of calls that I hadn't had time to do earlier in the week.

Joe and I also took out all of the air conditioners, put in the storm windows and finished packing up the yard.  We are as safe as we can possibly make it.  Now it's just riding out the storm.

We got the word this afternoon that the library is closed today.  All of our public transportation has stopped running.  The city is under a state of emergency.

So far we have just had some wind and a little bit of rain.   But according to all the forecasts, by 8:00 a.m. it is going to pick up and be horrible all day and into Tuesday.  Even Wednesday (Halloween) is supposed to be nasty.  We just have to see what happens.  It's supposed to be much worse in New Jersey where my sister and two of my brothers live.  I am praying that everyone stays safe.

With a day off from work and being stuck in the house all day I have decided to attack the living room.  I got the kitchen under control (although not finished) and so have decided it is now time to move on to another room.  It is bad, folks, mostly with junk mail.  How do two people get so much junk mail?  I have to sort through things, file the ones I need to, pay the bills and toss the junk.  It will be an all day project and will keep me busy, that's for sure.

We bought a new sofa a couple of days ago, so I really have to get things cleaned up so we can get it moved in.  An extra day off is great.  And a new sofa is a great incentive.  You know there will be before and after pictures.  We want to try to paint before it comes too.  So emptying out the room will be wonderful.

I took some pictures of the sky Sunday morning.  Thought you might like to see what the underside of the tip of Sandy looks like.  More pictures to come later today.

Rolling clouds

Taken from the kitchen window around 8:30 Sunday morning.

The rain started around 3:30 Sunday afternoon, but so far has just been a drizzle with a little wind.



  1. Great pics of the storm clouds! I think we're all kinda holding our breath to see what develops.Let's
    pray for everyone all along the east coast.

  2. The latest on the news is Philly
    (& probably the entire east coast) is getting help for our electrical needs from as far away as California! Talking with a friend,I found out a crew was sent north from Alabama. Wow!

  3. Thanks for the update Kathy! Sounds like you guys are ready to weather the storm. It is nice to have a day off to get things done in the house. I just went out to get a few groceries. I forgot that I was out of coffee! So, I decided to go buy some and then decided to buy some veggies to make a tasty soup for this cold and rainy weather. So far over here in SW PA, we have a steady rain going, not heavy yet though, and no wind yet. It's about 45 degrees. My sister lives on Long Island and had to evacuate her home. I think she will definitely have some flooding in her house for sure...she lives right on a canal!

  4. Praying for you & Joe as well as your family in New Jersey. I've been tracking Sandy via CNN. Please post an update and let us know you are okay when you can. Sending my love and prayers!


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