Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Hello friends!  Hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday.  It is about 8:00 a.m. and I am still in my pjs.  It's a lazy morning, but I have to get myself together here and get going.  I have a busy day in front of me and I hope that I have enough energy to get things done.  It's going up in the high 90 degrees today and schools are being closed at noon because of the dangerous heat.  I'm staying in the house in the air conditioning.

Last night while we were eating dinner, we put my sister's church service on the tablet to watch it.  They tape the service and post it on youtube just as my church does.  We are a few weeks behind with her church and are trying to catch up.  Joe and I both like her interim pastor and think he has excellent and thought provoking messages.  The one we listened to last night gave us a challenge.

He asked for the congregation to read a portion the book of Mark for 30 days.  He suggested a paragraph or two.  Then write down the answer to three questions:
     What does this say about God?
     What does this say about me?
     What can I learn about this to apply to my life?

So this morning I got up and began the book of Mark.  Pastor Rich said to start with just 15 minutes.  We can certainly give 15 minutes of our day to God.  And that's exactly how long it took me to do it.  I don't know that I did a fantastic job of seeing what was there, but I did find some things I hadn't seen before.  I think this is a fantastic challenge and I'm excited to see what I find in my morning studies.  Joe is doing it too, and then in the evening we will get together and see what each other found.

Today I want to bake some pumpkin spice cookies.  The mix is sitting on the kitchen table and has been for about 5 days now.  I must get to it.

I also want to get some laundry done.  We are so far behind on things.  There's a huge pile of clothes and towels to wash.

And then there's the cleaning.  That never seems to end does it?  Starting in the living room.  It would be wonderful to come into the house and step into a clean room even if the other rooms are a mess.  But hopefully in a few weeks there won't be a mess.  Is that too much to ask for?  I think not.  At least I am going to try.

My problem with cleaning is how much pain I am in all the time.  I don't mention it much, but I have arthritis all through my body.  I have been to doctors, but not much can be done at this point in my life.  I just keep pushing on but am realizing I'm not 24 any more.  I think I am, but I'm just not.

Yesterday we began a study in the book of Esther at the Ladies Bible Study.  I have taught this book before, but not to this group of ladies.  Such an awesome book and I am looking forward to studying it again.

After the study I took Kathy and Debbie home and then Joe, Rick, Pastor and I went to lunch.  It was a good time to be together.  Joe and Rick are doing street evangelism and God is sending them the people they need to talk to.  It's awesome.

I had better get off of here and get something to eat or I will never get my work done.  I hope you all have a great day.  What are your plans for the day?



  1. Dont work too hard and make the pain worse....a little at a time. As someone tells me, it will be there tomorrow if you dont get it done today. Happy Wednesday.

  2. I find 15 minutes of reading the Bible is very do-able, and I do that each evening. Our ladies Bible study will be reading the Psalms starting next week.
    Bounce and I aim to do our twice daily walks today.

    1. Not only is it do-able, but I get so much out of it. It's amazing what you see when you take the time. Psalms sounds like an interesting study.

  3. I know what you mean about our body not being able to do what it thinks it can do. But I just do what I can and don't worry about the rest. It will still be here when I am not. You take it easy and have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Kathy, I keep thinking your temperature blanket would be red for a good many rows. LOL This has been one awful hot summer. I truly have not enjoyed it as much as others. Hoping our cool down come before the snows fly. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. My temperature blanket does have a lot of red in it, that's for sure. But it sure cooled off yesterday and today. Sort of chilly. And the rain doesn't help.

  5. Mas Verde has a new Bible Study starting at the end of this month and I am signed up and looking forward to it!! I am blessed that we have a cleaning 'lady' who comes every two weeks. She isn't too expensive, is honest, and does a great job. In between, I just vacuum now and then to get up the cat hair. I'm sure I don't hurt as badly as you do, but my bad knees prohibit my doing a lot of the housework required to keep things clean.

    1. I had a cleaning lady who was awful and charged $125 a week. More than I could afford. And I would have to go through everything she threw out. Not good. Glad you have a good one.

  6. The Mark challenge sounds good. I've found you sometimes discover more about God...and yourself,than you thought.I empathize with you,my friend on the 'not 24 anymore'.I have to keep telling myself that. You know how life throw little glitches at you? Well, Russ remembered his potato salad but forgot his lunch! After I shower & walk Bella,I'll get the bus & take it to him.Poor guy....THEN I'll get to the bank,GNC,the library...then maybe lunch? Ya think? At least the bank is by Wawa.....ummmm.Have a beautiful day! Stay pawsitive!

  7. The Bible Study in Mark sounds good and would probably be good for many books of the Bible. Yes, cleaning is neverending...pace yourself!

    1. Pacing my cleaning is not an option since I have a deadline. *sigh* Yes, after Mark I will go on to other books. It is really helping me to see things I hadn't seen before.


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