Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Hello, friends!  Hope you are enjoying your Wednesday.  Today I hope won't be quite as busy as yesterday was.

I began by teaching the regular Tuesday morning Ladies Bible Study.  We are going through the Fruit of the Spirit and this week talked about Joy.  There is a difference between joy and happiness, you know.  Happiness comes and goes, but joy is something you have deep within you.  I am liking this new series I am doing and think I will get more books in this series to do with the ladies.

After the study Debbie, Kathy and I dropped off some things to the Salvation Army.  We do this once a month.  I got rid of two bags of things this month.  I hope I can get rid of two bags every month.  There is just too much in this house.

Then we went to Shoprite for lunch.  This has become a monthly thing also with us taking turns treating each other.  It was my turn this month because Debbie and Kathy both have July birthdays.  Debbie told the lady checking us out that we were the "Prayer Posse."  She liked that and said she could remember us that way.  She has been very positive towards us in the past and so I wasn't hesitant about inviting her to visit our church.  She said she knew where it was and would try to stop in one Sunday.

So here are a couple pictures of the "Prayer Posse."  Debbie is on the left and Kathy on the right.

The fruit was really good and sweet.  I love the summer just because you can get such good produce.

After we ate I had to get a few things at the store.  For one thing we were completely out of water.  In this hot weather we go through bottled water like crazy.  So I got a case of water, some beautiful pork chops that I will have today, and a few other things.  While I was walking around I saw Holly the store dietician and got to talk to her for a few minutes.  The last time Joe and I were there we met Sean the store manager.  He remembered us from the nutrition class we took there and even remembered our names.  We even have some of the cashiers greeting us.  I've never had that at a supermarket before.

We took Kathy home and then Debbie and I headed to the library.  My book was due.  Debbie was nice enough to head in to renew it for me because my knees were killing me and I didn't want to do all the steps.  I miss working, but realize that the way my health is now there is no way I could still be doing that job.

After I dropped Debbie off, I headed home.  I put all the food away and then told Joe I was going to lay down for about half an hour to try to get the swelling in my knee to go down and the pain to stop.  Well, you know where that ended.  I woke up 3 hours later.  Three hours!  Oh my!  No wonder nothing gets done around the house.

I had fried cod and steamed mixed vegetables for dinner.  I noticed that I am not eating enough veggies and am trying to include them more with my meals.  It's so much easier to grab a burger and fries, but then I miss out on the vitamins I need from green growing things.

So I hope I can get some things done at home today.  I'm on a roll now and want to get more things out of the house!



  1. Tuesday was really fun! I too want to get more stuff out of my house. It is incredible what builds up.It is always heartwarming when a store employee remembers you.The photo of you at lunch turned out really well.I agree about veggies. I love them & make sure to include them whenever I can. If I go to Subway,I put spinach,green peppers & tomatoes on most of my sandwiches!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Wonderful photos of you ladies. I think it's awesome that the store personnel can remember you and call you by name. I need to eat more veggies too. I love them, I just don't have them as often as I should. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. the difference between joy and happiness, thats so true!! I love love love the name prayer posse,, perfect!!!Sorry about the knees but good friends you have to help!!

  4. I enjoyed your post! Nice that you got out with your Prayer Posse! I love that name! We try to eat more 'green' stuff too! It's important.

  5. I am late visiting today, but enjoying hearing about your Prayer Posse and your trip to lunch with your friends.


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