Saturday, January 19, 2013


Even though I could sleep in today I ended up waking up early.  I tried to go back to sleep, but once I was up, I was up.  I had plans to do so many things, but nothing has gotten done.

I woke Joe up to have breakfast with me.  A friend from church gave us some oranges her aunt had sent her from Arizona.  They are so good, so sweet.  Joe thought he'd be funny and put an orange peel in his mouth and smiled.  You know I had to take a picture of that.  What a funny guy.  He makes me smile.
So instead of cleaning up like I was going to do, we ended up running errands.  First we went to the deli and Joe got a lot of lunchmeat because we were all out.  Now we are all stocked up for lunches next week.  

Then  we went to the library where I work.  We had an extra recycling bucket we wanted to get rid of and the one there had gotten stolen.  So Joe took it in.  I stayed in the car.  I knew if I went in I'd be stuck doing one thing or another.

After that we stopped at Rite Aid.  Earlier this week I had bought a fleece throw from their Christmas section at 75% off.  It actually cost $1.49.  It was a solid red and there was a solid green there also, so we went to get that.  Of course we ended up with a bunch of other stuff too.  One of the things I got were these cute Christmas gift bags for 99 cents.  What a bargain.  I'll just put them with the other bags I have and use them next year.  You can't tell it from the picture, but the designs are 3-D.  So sweet!

We ended up at Wal-Mart.  Joe still hadn't found the medicine he was looking for and we were hoping they would have it.  Because of his diabetes he has to be careful which medications he uses.  But they didn't have it either.  However, we ended up buying a lot of food.  And I saw these fleece pants that were so cute and Joe got them for me.  I love the cupcakes all over them.

Fleece pants are so comfy to sleep in with a t-shirt thrown on. 

I made chicken legs, asparagus and honey butter rolls for dinner.  I found these rolls at the store last week.  I had never seen them before, but boy are they good.  And I definitely will buy them again.

We are invited to have lunch with our friends Trish and Sidney tomorrow after church.  I offered to bring a dessert.  So I am going to make an apple cake.  If you want the recipe, I posted it on this blog here.  So I'm off to do that.  Until later.


  1. Sometimes it's nice to just have a wing it kind of day. We all get so caught up in what needs to be done that we forget to just have fun. Sounds like you and Joe had a good day. I like your fleece pants. I love sleeping in fleece pants in the winter.

    Enjoy your lunch tomorrow!!!

    Oh and that pic of Joe cracked me up when I saw it on FB. He's funny!!

  2. Isn't it nice to have a day that just evolves slowly with no definite plans? Sounds like a good day to me.


  3. Love Saturdays..thats my fun day I dont have to runday...wait...thats a song right?...


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