Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I had a great day on Monday.  It began by going to our annual parade.  The neighborhood parade is the largest one in Philadelphia and goes right by the front of my house.  Well, one block over.  But I can stand on my front step and watch it through the parking lot.  I didn't however.  I took some folding chairs and Joe and I walked across the street to sit with everyone else watching the parade.

Now be prepared for picture overload.  I always do this on Memorial Day.  But it's always so much fun to show you the parade.  I missed the very beginning, but came in when the antique cars were going past.

Some of them were cars I rode around in when I was in high school.  And they're antiques?  I feel so old.

Our friend Pat came over to watch the parade with us.  That was fun.

See Joe's Marine Corps shirt and hat?  So many people came over to shake his hand and thank him for serving.  They saluted him.  And one VFW post gave him a ribbon to wear that said "American Hero."  It brought tears to my eyes to see how much everyone thought of him.

There was the ROTC.

The Grand Marshall.

The Viet Nam veterans.

They own the building across the street from my house.

Of course the Boy Scouts were there.
 I love this truck.  It's in the parade every year.

This gentleman is a World War II veteran.  The greatest generation!

Of course being Philadelphia you know there had to be string bands.  Here's the Aqua String Band.  Their home base is just a few blocks from my house.

The American Legion had Betsey Ross.

They let off a cannon full of confeti.

 The Police and Fire Pipes and Drums was there.

There were the Girl Scouts.

And the Second Street Shooters New Year's Brigade.

The Navy.

Here's the Polish American String Band.  There were so many Mummers in the parade that I felt as if I were at the New Year's Day parade except without the snow and ice.  And freezing temperatures.  Oh brrr...  That's why I never go to that parade.

There were flag twirlers.

And the Irish Thunder Pipes and Drums.

This is the Hog Island New Year Association.

Of course there were the usual politicians and dignitaries marching.  And lots of VFW and AFW posts.  And yet another string band.  This time it was Trilby.

There was an Irish dance troup with the cutest little girls ever.  I tried to get a video of them but when I looked at it, it was all over the place and I had to delete it.  But this is still a good picture.

The Civil War reinactors were back this year.

The end was the Outboard Motor Club.  This was my favorite of the yachts.

This is just a taste of the parade.  I took well over 100 pictures and videos.  Aren't you glad I didn't show you all of them?

In the evening we had Walt and Carole over for dinner.  It was very low-key.  I had hot dogs, potato salad (yes, I made more), deviled eggs, and some raw veggies and dip which my sister gave to me on Saturday.  Walt and Carole brought a slice of watermelon which was so sweet and good.  I made iced tea and lemonade.  We did NOT go hungry.

It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed myself so much.  Now it's back to real life.



  1. Awesome photos! Wasn't the Pipes & Drums playing the Marine Corps song? We should honor the men & women who served this country. They deserve so much....It really looks like you had a great day.Enjoy!

  2. I love a parade, and that one was great. When you friends came to eat, the food made me hungry, just reading about it. We didnt have any big event over the holiday, but we are still thankful for the great country we live in, and those who have served. God Bless.

  3. AWWW! A REAL Philadelphia parade! So much colour and circumstance---what a nice outing, and what a grand celebration of all parts of the day.

    Our own Fourth-of-July parade (hot and LOTS of RED and umbrellas and sound, with the rolling thunder of the police motorcycles doing figure eights and stand-rides comes by right out our back gate. We walk through again at nine, for the fireworks, as well, just a block away.

    Glad you had such a lovely celebration, and a THANK YOU to your Joe, from us, as well.


    1. Wow, right by your back gate! That's wonderful. That is so sweet to thank Joe. I know he'll appreciate it. I'll make sure to tell him.

  4. Exactly what "small town USA" is expected to be...so sweet. Everyone putting their best foot forward and strutting their hearts out! I loved it. Thank you for sharing your home town. :)

  5. Americana on parade! Love it! I especially like the photo of the little girls highstepping. Very glad that your husband(?) was honored and thanked as all veterans should be.

  6. Wow! Your town has quite a celebration...and how wonderful for you that the party goes right by your house! :)

    Thanks for stopping by Thinking About Home and joining in the book talk! It is great to hear from a librarian and I will be quite interested to see if we have some of the same books on our "favorites" list. :)

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos of the parade and the short movies that I watched. Fun! I worked on Monday til four. Then went over to the cemetery just outside of town. There is an avenue of flags there every year for Memorial Day. I looked through most of the place for vet's graves. Took photos. Phil cooked our hamburgers later, with swiss cheese on top, per my request. It was good Will show photos later. May work on that while I am recovering from getting a tooth pulled tomorrow afternoon. Won't be doing much else!! Thank you to Joe for his service!! That's great that other people thanked him as well. Take care and have a good week...what's left of it! Hugs!

    You DO have the best seat. You can't help but get emotional when you see all the love that went into this colorful and huge celebration.
    How cool for Joe and you to be recognized with such great honor!

    I look forward to this parade each year. (This year was exceptional!)


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