Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Hello, friends.  Well, obviously I did not make it to posting every day in January.  But I'm back.  I just get tired of people criticizing what I write.  It gets old really fast.  (You don't see the comments because I delete them.  But I see them.)

By the way, for those who suggested I have a charger in the car for my phone, I do have one.  It works too.  But when the phone uses power faster than it charges...  well...  Most of the time it is fine.  But using the GPS takes TONS of power and the charger can't keep up.  Even if the phone is fully charged when I begin, if it is a long ride it isn't enough.  Joe and I often use both of our phones one after the other if it will take awhile.  (One phone charges while the other is used.)  But he wasn't with me.  In any case, I got to Larry's just fine and we had a really good time together.

So on Sunday I had to run some errands after church.  Then Joe and I decided to go out for lunch.  We went to Yamato's.  I've been wanting to go there for awhile.  As usual, everything was so good!  Joe had the beef hibachi and I had vegetable tempura.  I can't tell you how delicious it was.  As we were eating Joe said, "I love this place."  And I do too.

Monday we went to Lidl to get some groceries.  Another store that we like but don't get there often.  I found a beautiful eggplant and even though it wasn't on the shopping list, it found its way into the cart.  We also got poppy seed bread, chocolate brioche from France, a delicious apple turnover, chocolate chip croissants, eggs (the cheapest place to buy eggs), sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and a beautiful package of salmon.

Crystal came over on Monday morning and we tackled the kitchen.  So much stuff we put together for Salvation Army.  Threw a lot of stuff out.  Picked things up and put them away.  Still a way to go, but things look so much better.  Found a lot of stuff too.  She is coming back today and we are going to do the pantry and the counters.  I might start on the pantry before she comes.

I have to be careful, though, because Monday night I was in a lot of pain.  I took some pain killers and went to sleep.  I didn't even eat dinner.  But I felt so much better when I woke up.  I almost never take anything for my pain, but this was so bad I was in tears.  So today I will not push myself so hard.  I need to be good to me.

Yesterday I taught Bible Study.  We are in Matthew 12.  I really wasn't as prepared as I wanted to be.  I am at a part that I find really difficult to explain to someone else.  I understand it, but it is hard.  I think it went OK though.

And of course after I got home we were hit with that horrible storm that has come across the entire country.  So much rain and such high winds.  I haven't looked into the back yard yet.  I'm almost afraid to see what has blown around out there.

But now I think I will get myself up even though it isn't even 6:00 a.m.  I will have a nice leisurely breakfast.  Hope you all have a great day.  See you soon.




  1. I find it interesting that such a small thing as a cell phone can use so much power. It is so frustrating at times, waiting for a charge.
    As i like chocolate I don't think I've ever had a chocolate chip
    croissant. Sounds delicious!
    So glad to hear Crystal is such a help. I'm sorry you were in
    such pain. Be careful of overdoing things. There is only one you!

  2. I know that it is easier said than done but don't let the criticizers get to you....there seems to be a group of people that live to put others down. I truly don't understand that type of behavior and I for one very much enjoy your posts...all of them. Please keep on keeping on. Blessings!

    1. Thank you. I know you are right, but it's hard to not listen to the voices who come to criticize you. I don't know who you are, but I so appreciate your words.

    2. You are quite welcome! By the way my name is Ava.

    3. Hi.. Just wanted to say that I enjoy your posts and look forward to reading them. You are down to earth and I like that. Have a nice day.....Karen

  3. I'm sorry youre getting nasty comments. I will never understand why people feel the need to be mean to others, especially on their blogs - no one is forcing them to read! I think it's a function of hiding behind a screen - people say things they would never say to someone in person. Just remember that they must be a pretty miserable person to spend their free time doing that.

  4. Cannot imagine negative comments on your sweet blog. Brenda

  5. Good afternoon from Oregon!
    I always enjoy visiting your blog - thank you for adding a bit of loveliness! You inspire me.
    Sorry I do not often comment, but know you have a friend who enjoys your company in Oregon.
    keep your sparkle!
    Love and Blessings,

  6. I love your blog! There will always be people who are so quick to criticize others - they must be so miserable! Please don't take them to heart. You have many followers who look forward to your blog every single day! Jean from Bucks County! P.S. Happy belated Birthday. So happy you got to celebrate at the King George - my favorite too!!!!

  7. Hi Kathy! I am so sorry that some people are making critical comments to you. You are one of my favorite bloggers and I always read your posts (and watch your Youtubes). I consider you my "special friend" in Philadelphia. It is so wonderful that Crystal is helping you get organized. So sorry you are in pain. I understand that. I shoveled some snow this week and my back is hurting now. I am sure your Bible study class was very good. I would love to come to one of your Bible classes. I bet I would learn a lot. I hope you feel better soon and have a good week. Thanks for posting so much!

  8. Love it when you find a good restaurant and it's consistently good. Glad you found yours! We have a Lidl near us but I've only been there twice. Aldi is a bit closer so I get there more often.
    I know I would enjoy hearing you teach your Bible Studies. I'm sure the group was very blessed even if you felt you weren't as prepared as you wished to be. Blessings to you!
    Wasn't that rain something?? Now it's snow which pleases the kiddos more than the adults =)


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