Saturday, January 6, 2024



Hello, friends!  Yes, after two years of nothing, we got snow today.  At least not as much as Snoopy seems to have here.  Thank God for that.  

I went to see my brother Larry today.  We weren't able to get together for Christmas and I still had his gifts.  Joe isn't feeling well, so I went by myself.  I haven't been there all that often, so I use the GPS on my phone for directions.  I knew I didn't have a lot of power, but was doing well until I wasn't.  My phone completely died as I came off the highway.  I didn't know how to get to Larry's house.  Turn right?  Turn left?  Straight ahead?  I went straight and pulled into a parking lot.  I thought, I'll just call him and ask for directions.  Duh...  My phone was dead.  

I looked in the glove compartment and I had my old GPS in there.  I plugged it in and entered Larry's address.  But it kept wanting to send me to New Jersey.  NO!  Finally I found where I could tell it I wanted Pennsylvania and then it gave me directions.  I was about 10 minutes from his house, but I would never have found it.

When I pulled up, Larry came out and said, "Look over there.  There are deer."  Sure enough, there were two deer in his neighbor's yard.  I took a picture of it.  This was as close as my camera would take it.  Not much of a zoom lens on it.

But here is Larry's picture which is much better.

We opened gifts first.  Larry loved everything.  He had already given Joe and me our Christmas gift.  He got us a year of Britbox for the TV.  But for my birthday he gave me a cookbook.  I love it.  The title is "Amish Christmas Cookbook: Authentic Favorites from Three Generations of Amish Cooks".  The recipes look great.  I'm going to use some for my YouTube channel since everyone seems to like my cooking videos.  Funny enough, I gave Larry a cookbook for his birthday.  I got him "Tasting History" by Max Miller.  Max Miller has a YouTube channel that I watch every Tuesday.  He tells about history and cooks a recipe from that time.

Larry and I went to Collegeville Diner for lunch.  He had a cheeseburger and potato chips and I had breakfast -- poached egg, two links of sausage, hash browns and toast.  Everything was really good.  But so much!  I couldn't finish it all.  But I made a really big dent.

Larry paid for lunch and then we went over to look at the bakery.  There were all kinds of cookies, cupcakes and small cakes.  I pointed out the cookies with eyes looking at us.  Larry liked the rat cakes.  He took a picture of them and sent it to me.  They may look gross, but I'll bet they tasted delicious.

 I hung around for about an hour after we got back.  Larry charged my phone for me so I could use it to get home.  The snow was coming down pretty fast, so I decided to leave before it got too bad.  The streets and sidewalks were already covered.

It took me over an hour to get home.  Everyone was driving slowly, but that was OK with me.  The closer I got to Philadelphia, the less snow there was.  By the time I got home, it was all rain.  That was a relief.  I didn't have to shovel.

And now I have to get off of here and get something to eat.  I hope you all have a great night and I will see you tomorrow.


  1. Always keep a phone charger in your car for safety…prayers Brenda

    1. I do have one and the phone was charging. Just not fast enough.

  2. Hi Kathy! So glad you had a nice visit with your brother. It's also good you had that old GPS so you could find his house! I have a charger for my phone in the car. I have found that using the map program on the phone uses a lot of battery power. Glad you got home safely and didn't have much snow. We have had snow here and more is expected tonight and into tomorrow morning. Not sure how much we will end up with, but it could be quite a bit. I will look forward to you fixing some of those Amish recipes on your Youtube channel. I love Amish cooking! Have a good Sunday. See you again soon!

  3. Glad that your visit went well. I am not sure I could have eaten a
    "rat'. They looked so real! I did get to see the few flakes that fell here
    in Philly. Also glad I didn't have to shovel.

  4. Glad you made it home safely. I hate driving in snow!

  5. I am glad you were able to make it safely to your brother's house. Good time together and beautiful deer you saw!!! It is cold today without snow in our area. More in the foothills and most likely Mt. Hood. Stay warm and happy!!

  6. Hi Kathy, How fun for you to visit your brother and go out to eat with him. I use a very cheap charger for my iphone when I use Google maps navigation in the car. I think I bought the iphone connector at the Dollar Tree or at Target. You plug it into what used to be the car's cigarette lighter if you have one. I signed up for Britbox for now too. I love the mystery and crime shows it has, especially Shetland and Vera.

  7. What a frustrating experience, Kathy, to have your phone die when you needed directions to your brother's. Good to have had that old GPS handy and we too have had ours want to send us to a different place or via a different route, so glad you got it sorted and were able to visit. You will enjoy Britbox which I enjoyed for well over a year and AcornTV as well. THis year, I decided to cut down on streaming so now only have Netflix.


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