But... Oreo turned into a bully. She refused to let our cat Jenny down the stairs. She growled at Jenny and even took out her claws and tried to scratch her. She clawed at our new sofa and growled at Joe when he told her to stop. She jumped up on the table and tried to eat our dinner off of our plates. She even knocked things off of the table when she didn't get her own way. I had to sleep on the sofa because we didn't want the two cats together and Oreo followed me no matter where I went. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep.
This morning about 5 a.m. Oreo decided she wanted to go out. She clawed at me until I got up and opened the door. She went out, then came back in. Around 5:30 she clawed my leg again, went out and disappeared.
Every time I have gone out today she has been out there waiting for me, wanting to come back in. But since it is a warm sunny day I have not taken her inside. Poor Jenny is being terrorized and that's not right. Oreo won't even let Jenny near her food or water bowls, so Jenny had nothing to eat last night. Since she eats mostly at night she was very hungry this morning.
I know it is getting cold and I don't want Oreo out there in the snow, but I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
P.S. Now there are another two cats and a kitten hanging around. Joe thinks we should round them up and take them to the SPCA.
High: 63 degrees
Low: 44 degrees
Sunrise: 7:17 a.m.
Sunset: 6:13 p.m.
10 hours and 56 minutes of daylight
I agree with Joe. Let her be put up for adoption where a family could love her and take care of her. Why should a stranger make life unhappy for your baby? Plus, be cautious about letting a strange cat in your house. You don't know what disease she might be bringing into your house and to Jenny, or at the very least maybe fleas. Just call Animal Control or SPCA and let them take her.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Joe. If she is in a shelter, she'll be fed and warm and hopefully will find a family to love and take care of her. You shouldn't let a strange cat make your baby unhappy. Jenny should come first. Plus, be cautious about letting a street cat into your home. You don't know if she is carrying a disease or at the very least fleas that she could transmit to Jenny. Call Animal Control or the SPCA and let them catch her.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of the above. Joe is definitely right. Also, if Oreo is a neighborhood cat and now one of you own that you have raised..she could give something to your own house cats. It's best and healthier for all if the cats that have no homes are taken to a shelter that will care for them, give them shots and find them homes. This cat Oreo, is acting like an ally cat and that is something that is not going to change. Nope..I would not make my own kitties give up their right to be comfortable in their own home. Let Joe do the right thing!
ReplyDeleteYou sound like the kindest warmest hearted person so I know this is not an easy choice for you..but it is the best thing to do. We had to do that here also..and it was sad but necessary.
big hugs!
No one likes a bully! To protect Jenny and yourselves,Oreo should be taken to the shelter. As a volunteer, I can say that we have people there who
ReplyDeleteknow how to handle cats with a touch of 'cattitude'.
Apparently word has spread in the feline community about your house being on the menu.You need to stop it ...NOW! Kindness is
one thing, but it can get out of control.Take her to the shelter.
I agree with what everyone is saying...if Oreo is like this now, what happens if it gets worse, will you have to bar her from your house? And then where will she be, out in the cold...the shelter might be able to find a home for Oreo.
Personally, If any cat, or dog clawed by NEW sofas they'd be kicked out in the COLD! I love my home and my husband has worked hard for us to have what we have. But since Joe and you have a kindred heart I know that cat will be placed up for adoption.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is a lot tougher on naughty cats...
Good Luck!
Absolutely take Oreo and the others if possible to a shelter. You have enough on your plate, a feral cat is more than a full time job and really not necessary in the scheme of things. And I am an animal lover. But it is OK to say NO. xo
ReplyDeleteKathy, That cat would history...too much cat-a-tude for me. I would not let her back in my home...yuck on the table with your food. You need to give oreo away. You and Joe have your hands full...you don't need cat drama.LOL. You can't save the world honey..you are too kind. Take care of you , then Joe, then your own pets. Blessings Kathy. xoxo,Susie