Here is what I had to wear for the last 24 hours. I am so glad to be rid of it. Not that I was unhappy that the doctor wanted to see what was going on, it was just uncomfortable and since I am allergic to adhesive it was painful at the end. When I took off the pads, my skin had blistered. Not fun.
At least I didn't have to wear it very long at work. Just 3 hours yesterday and 1/2 hour today. And a lot of the time wearing it I was sleeping. That helped a lot.
The main problem was going to the bathroom. I couldn't get there, get myself situated and hold the darn thing (because it had to be hooked onto my jeans) quickly. This made for an interesting day.
But I also kept dropping it and pulling on my skin. That was not fun.
I was at work and sitting at my desk when I took a look at it and it was 55 seconds to the end. I watched it count down. When it got to the end I was so happy. Then it said "Please wait. Do not remove device." What? It was another 2 minutes before the screen went blank and I was able to go to the ladies room and remove it.
I had to return it between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. today, so I took a 4:00 lunch, drove to the hospital, and then drove back to work. I was a little late getting back, but my boss did not make me take time off. That was nice of him.
I also got the results of my blood test from last week. My cholesterol and triglycerides were very slightly elevated, but otherwise everything was perfect. Maybe the fact that they took the test right after I had bacon and eggs for breakfast could account for that! I had them fax the results to the cardiologist.
So that's where everything stands. Probably more information than you want to know, right? I am hoping and praying that everything turns out not serious, but something turns up that can be easily fixed. I want to feel good again.
I was thinking about the edima problem you had a couple of weeks ago and wondering if it could be related. Did you mention it to the dr.? Hopefully all is well. I will pray for you.
ReplyDeleteSomething as simple as going to the bathroom...I can empathsize.I agree that while you don't want the results to be something horrible,just to have a 'fixable' answer whould be great.I will continue praying.