April 18
Ahmed and Theresa asked me today if I was going to tell a story. Theresa clapped her hands and asked if it would be before she had to go home. Ahmed responded with, "Yes! I love your stories. It's like you are from there, it's like you live in them. The Halloween one, I didn't expect the ending and your voice scared me, you know when you turned out the light and used the flashlight and screamed at the end. I kept hearing that scream in my head all night and I couldn't sleep!"
I answered," Well, Ahmed, you wanted to be scared. I'm sorry you couldn't sleep. I'm sorry you kept hearing my voice in your head."
"I'm not, Ms. B, I loved it! You know what you should do? You should go all over, to all the places kids are, and just tell stories, all the stories in your head, all the stories in your special books. They would love it. Just tell stories."
Theresa who overheard and was not to be outdone, said very conspiratorially, "Yes,. Ms. B, that's what you should do, but just make sure I'm always there!"
Yes, I have my following. I have become The Pied Piper!
What a person! To know you are encouraging the next generation. Beautiful!