Saturday, March 13, 2021



Aren't you glad spring is coming?  This long, cold winter is almost over.  I can't wait until I don't have to wear a jacket or coat anymore.  We had a couple of really nice days in the 70s here this week.  (20s celsius)  But now it is getting cold again.  I know it can't last long though.

Friday was one of those nice days and Donna and I decided to go to Shoprite.

We both had our $5 off coupons and I had a coupon for 99 cents per pound ground turkey.  Well, Donna had one too but she doesn't eat ground turkey so she didn't use hers.  She offered it to me, but I don't have any room in the freezer for another pound.  I thought I needed just a few things, but I kept seeing things in the store and they found their way into my cart.  Here's one of the things I found.

I was so happy to see my Peeps again.  It's been a year since they were made.  The plant that produces them shut down because of Covid.  Anyone who knows me knows I love my Peeps.  Yes, I know they are not good for me, but I really don't care.  Peeps is a candy you either love or hate.  I love them.  I almost did a happy dance in the aisle.  They had all different colors and shapes but I kept it down to two boxes.

When I took Donna home, I took a picture of her street for you.  

It is such a cute street but like a lot of the old historic neighborhoods in Philadelphia, the street is very tiny.  There is parking on one side of the street and another car can barely make its way through.  I always drive very slowly down her street trying not to scrape another car or get my sideview mirror knocked off.

I know a lot of you live in single houses with land or yards, but this is how we live in Philly.  I thought it would be interesting to you to see what our row houses look like.  Yes, I live in a row house too, but my street is wider than Donna's.

I didn't take pictures of my haul this time.  I was tired and just wanted to put my food away.  Ever since I got the Covid shot on Tuesday I have been very tired.  I have been sleeping a lot.  Today I am feeling much better.  I have stayed awake all day for the first time.

But now...  it really is time for bed.  Don't forget to change your clocks.  We lose an hour's sleep tonight.  We don't really lose an hour, it's just called by a different name.

Have a good Sunday and I will see you soon.



  1. Hi Kathy - I love seeing pictures of Philadelphia row houses. I always find them so fascinating and as you know, I love Philly. :-) So glad you are starting to feel better after your Covid shot. It can sure knock you out for a few days, but it is such a great thing to have done! See you again soon.

  2. I think there were a lot of fans missing their peeps! Happy to hear that
    you're feeling better. As much as I prefer the cooler weather,I'm lovin' these warmer temps. The sun feels so good!

  3. I’m glad you feel better. I had my 2nd dose yesterday so today I am “dragging.”
    I’m not a Peeps fan, but a couple grandchildren are and I buy them. I’m glad you can get them again. Have a good Sunday!

  4. Hi Kathy, Thank you for sharing pictures of the row houses in Philly. I love seeing the different types of living areas around the city. I haven't ever been to Philadelphia or even Pennsylvania. Enjoy those Peeps!

  5. I like seeing photos of your city too. I always loved traveling through that area when we went to NY in the Fall. There are so many churches that stand out from the highway! Enjoy your day. I hope you feel good today!

  6. Your row houses are rather interesting. I would not like my front door being in the street like that. I've always had a yard between me and the street. On the other hand, it could have some positive points to it. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. Kathy, thank you for the photo of the historic row houses! I have never seen one! You must have lots of historic places to see around Philly! The only pictures of philly that I have seen is in the show "Parking Wars".

  8. I'm looking at the row houses and they remind me so much of our English terraced houses. The parking on our streets is chaotic too, you have to pull over and let the other car coming down the road pass through, that game goes on all down the street :)
    Hope your weather warms and stays that way, I think we all have cabin fever.

  9. Your area looks very interesting and historic! I think row houses are charming. I will have to pass on the peeps. I laughed when I saw a meme that said: How to eat Peeps...throw them away!" Sorry, I don't like to yuk somebody's yum! So enjoy and I'm very happy to see Spring coming and's my favorite holiday..well, close favorite after Halloween! I get my second shot on the 26th. I hope not to have side effects that are horrible. Glad you're feeling better. Take care!


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