Monday, September 15, 2014


It's been a long day and now it is Monday almost 1 a.m. so this is going to be fast.  Tomorrow starts our new work hours so I can sleep an extra hour till 8 a.m.  Nice!

I woke up Sunday morning in time to see the sunrise.  It has been a long time since I went up to the third floor to take my morning picture.  It wasn't too good, but you can see how clear and beautiful the day was.  Not at all like Saturday with the clouds and rain.

Pastor Justin was away this week and Elder Rich stepped in for the message.  It was on 1 Corinthians 13:13 -- Faith, hope and love.  I took lots of notes and was able to share it with Joe tonight.  

He didn't make it to church because he still is in a lot of pain with his back.  Some days are better than others.  It doesn't seem to be getting better at all.  I want him to go back to the doctor and see if something else can be done other than giving him pain pills all the time.

I had lots of plans to get things done around the house, but I fell asleep and got NOTHING done.  I guess my thyroid, although better, still isn't up to where it should be.  

The one thing I did do was go to Rite Aid to get a card for Joe for our anniversary on Tuesday.  But knowing me you know I couldn't go in and JUST get a card.  I finally found my candy corn and of course some pumpkin Peeps.  These are the mini ones.

I also saw a Honey Pumpkin Pie candle for 50% off which I just couldn't resist.  Having the 20% off everything in the store card helps too.  It smells wonderful.

I made a special dinner for Joe as an early anniversary gift.   We had broiled lamb chops, mashed potatoes and carrots with parsley butter.  So good!

We had the back door open as we ate.  The air was so cool.  It was in the 50s when I got up and didn't get above the 70s all day.  It was really refreshing.  Someone had a fire pit going outside and the smell of burning wood was great!

As we ate we watched the sun set.  It was beautiful.

It's been a lovely day.

Weather for Sunday, 14 September 2014
High:  71 degrees
Low:  51 degrees
Sunrise:  6:40 a.m.
Sunset:  7:11 p.m.
12 hours and 31 minutes of daylight
(The days are shorter and shorter.)     


  1. I've been watching the sunsets...gorgeous! There have been streaks of gold,orange & purple. I love
    watching but the colors change so fast.So sorry to hear Joe is still in pain. Pills are not always the answer.
    I will keep him in prayer.
    Have a beautiful 'new hours' day!

  2. Love the candle! I bet it smells really neat.
    I hope Joe starts feeling better.
    and your thyroid is controlled.
    I already semi- decorated my dining table for the fall
    Love this time of year. I am still waiting to open my window and let the fresh air in.
    not yet, still very HOT.. oh but we got rain LOTS!!

  3. Happy Anniversary, you two! You always find cute things in Rite Aid.


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