One week from today is Thanksgiving. Where has the year gone? Can you believe it? And what do you think of when you think of Thanksgiving? Is it this?
I've been thinking a lot lately about food. All kinds of food. I am a food-a-holic. Not in a bad way. I enjoy food and making new recipes all the time. I like to have people enjoy my cooking, see looks of happiness on their faces as they eat.
But I've also been thinking about how food oriented our society is. Approximately 31% of Americans are considered obese (including yours truly). Americans seem to be obsessed with food. Why is this? Compared to a lot of the world we have more food than they could ever hope to see. More than 34 million tons of food was wasted last year. So many people in third world countries can only dream of such wealth.
I've also seen hungry people on the streets of Philadelphia. I've seen hungry children in the library with no hope of a meal until the next morning when they get their free breakfast in school. And now with the devastation from Hurricane Sandy there are many, many people with nothing. No houses, no cars, no possessions.
I don't know why I'm so philosophical tonight. I guess it's just that the biggest food day on the calendar is coming up next week. So much of that food I can't eat because of food allergies and because I still have not fully recovered from my stomach surgery two years ago. I don't enjoy large dinners. I go for the company, but the food is secondary to me. I like to make meals for others, but really don't like eating so much myself. (Can't figure out why I can't lose the weight then.)
I am thinking I need to stop at the store tomorrow and get some canned goods to give to the Boy Scouts when they come around on Saturday. I am going to be more generous this year than I have in years past. I am going to be more thankful for what I have and remember there are many people who would love to have what I have in the pantry.
Jeven has a cheer performance this weekend, and instead of paying money to get in, each person just needs to bring in a canned good. Then they'll all be donated to those in need. I think that's great... such a nice thing to do to help out.
ReplyDeletePS--on a side note, I too have allergies...MSG being the biggest one. It makes me VERY SICK even if I just eat a little bit of it. I'm also allergic to kiwi, and just recently, if I eat soy I itch like a mad woman from head to toe, so I think it would be safe to say I'm now allergic to that!
Wow Cathy, this post really looks into your heart. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteFood is a huge subject, from not having any, to sickness, cooking,to much, etc.
Thank you for opening your heart and stirring our own thoughts.
What a thought provoking post!! It does seem as though all of life revolves around food.....and/or the lack thereof. I say this as we prepare to shop for the Thanksgiving meal.
ReplyDeleteYour post made me stop & think.Food is associated with so much of our culture.This time of year makes you stop & realize how blessed each of is.There are so many who have nothing. I've noticed as I've grown older (& wiser?)that I don't need more than half what I've got.I am donating a lot of things that "haven't used in a year";maybe someone else can enjoy them.Being out of work,I cannot give much money but I try to give what I can.I do as much volunteer time as I can & I guess that's something...
ReplyDeleteTo Kathy & all you ladies, have a safe,happy & gratitude-filled Thanksgiving!