Monday, March 4, 2019


Hello, friends!  Our snow has come and gone and we didn't get nearly as much as expected.  Looking out of the window it looks like less than one inch and it doesn't appear that we even have to shovel our sidewalk.  It is raining now and has been for quite some time.  I think it will wash all the snow away.  It is supposed to be very cold this week.  But I keep thinking we are at the end of winter now so how much longer can it last?

Today, I finished another magazine so I am doing a Monday Magazine post for you.

It is the Martha Stewart Living magazine from February 2000.

In this magazine Martha talks about Valentine desserts.  Of course hers are very elaborate and unique.  Do you make unusual and elaborate desserts?  I love making desserts but they are usually quite simple but delicious.  Because we are watching our weight (and our sugar intake), I do not make a lot of desserts.  Usually one a week.

There was a big article on decorating the mantel.  Pages and pages of things to do (or not do).  I don't have a mantel.  But the article did mention that if you don't have a fireplace a long table or shelf could make the same impression.  I do decorate the top of my piano so maybe that counts.

The article on coverlets was interesting.  The author made covers out of lots of things.  The one that most impressed me was she got old handkerchiefs (who uses those anymore?), sewed them together, covered the seams with rickrack, and made a quilt out of them.  People are so clever!

One article I found fascinating was on black, white and green pepper.  Did you know that it was one of the main reasons Columbus was trying to find a shorter way to the Spice Islands?  At one time the pepper in the shaker on your table would have cost more than a new car.  The amount of pepper we use each year in the 1500s would have been worth $1,000,000.  All the pepper in the U.S. is imported.  We don't produce any in this country.  How fortunate we are to have this wonderful spice so available to us.

So another magazine headed for the recycling bin.  I'm slowly getting through them.  It's taking awhile, but one out is one out.

I'm heading to get breakfast, shower, bake something for Ladies Bible Study tomorrow, get my lesson together, and then head for the service at the nursing home.  A busy day today.  I hope you all have a great day.



  1. So many of those ideas are timeless! It's fun to read these magazines and feels good to pass them on too. Hope you have a nice day. I'll be at the Hospice house this afternoon doing patient visits. You and your sweet hubby sure do a lot for others! Hugs, Diane

  2. I like all the pretty ideas in the magazines too. Hope you have a great day.

  3. I love American magazines but here in Italy it's hard to find anything written in English.

  4. I have plenty of magazines and books about. I should follow your good example and get them out...oUt,,,OUT! 😄 Our storm was plenty, though I think it was less than predicted. Fine, very fine, with me.

  5. I wish I had some of my mom’s handkerchiefs. I do have a little chest she kept them in. We don’t eat many desserts either but last week we had two birthdays in this house...two cakes, both GF and delicious! Next week I’ll be a year older and maybe another cake is in order...oh my. If you want snow, come on over....we have plenty!
    Enjoy your Monday!

  6. I used to have stacks of magazines too but slowly but surely went thru them and out they went. I admire you for going thru yours and they are enjoyable to hear about.
    Happy Monday to you.

  7. Every once in a while...usually for holidays..I'll do a fancy dessert, but I'm more of a simple but yummy gal! I'm addicted to them! Anyway, I get rid of as many as I can by giving them to work so others can have them. My hubby used to get a ton at his Chiropractic office and would bring them home. He's cut down too so not so many make it home...thankfully! Anyway, those articles sound good. I'm always looking for ways to decorate my fireplace mantels. My sister-in-law always has hers done so beautifully but it's not in my genes I guess! Have a good week!

  8. I like reading & seeing ideas in magazines. It can trigger a way to use something I have in a totally different way! I remember handkerchiefs! My mother kept them in a quilted box with sachet that smelled so lovely.
    Though I always considered myself a winter person,Iadmit to wanting to see spring come. Tomorrow's single digit temps have me thinking about staying in. Brrr! Stay warm!

  9. I HAVE TONS OF MAGAZINES I SAVE- I need to go through them I cherish them because of the decorating ideas they are timeless and some of the recipes are amazing I just wish I had more time. I love this post.


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