Monday, September 12, 2022



Hello, friends!  Yesterday was Patriot Day.  A very under recognized day in my opinion.  Yet that may be good.  We don't want a Patriot Day Sale in every store.  This is a somber day.  A day that we remember all those thousands who died because of a senseless act of some crazy men.

I think we all remember where we were that day.  And what we were doing.  And how we felt.  Did we actually believe it at first?  I know for me it just didn't seem real.  Watching it on TV I was trying to figure out what was happening.  I didn't realize a plane had also hit the Pentagon and was trying to make that building fit into New York City.  Unsuccessfully of course.

Those of us who lived through it remember the great coming together of everyone in the country.  Our country had been attacked.  Something that we never thought would happen.  But now it had.  And I think we all felt somewhat vulnerable.

This year felt different to me.  It seemed to have taken a back seat to all the other things going on in the world.  It wasn't the first story on the local news.  Gun violence in the city was.  An important topic, but the 9-11 remembrance was about the fourth or fifth story.  So much time has passed that it seems people are forgetting.  Or are far removed from it since they were born long after this happened,

But we who lived through it remember.  And we must never forget.



  1. Oh I hope people are not forgetting. I was completely overwhelmed this year and had dreamed about Benghazi two nights before. I'm still
    shook up about that. Your tribute is most appropriate and meaningful, even all these many years later. I still don't fully understand all that was behind it. Do you?

    1. I got this answer from This explains it far better than I could. Hope this helps.
      The hijackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Reportedly financed by the al Qaeda terrorist organization of Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden, they were allegedly acting in retaliation for America’s support of Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War and its continued military presence in the Middle East.

  2. Hi Kathy. I love your tribute and post of remembrance. I will never forget that day. It was a sad and scary day for sure, and yet the country seemed so much more united than it is today. Our church sponsored a day of service and helping others in honor of the victims of 9/11 and I thought that was a fitting way to honor and remember. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  3. It would be sad if people forget, but I thought the same thing this year...that there wasn't as much talk about 9/11 or remembering or honoring. I am beyond disappointed that our President chose to politicize the day.

  4. Good reminder of our country and we as people were still loved by God. I remember hearing on the radio then watched it on tv. I told my son about it and when he watched he thought it was a movie! No it wasn't. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you for a beautiful & respectful tribute. Such a time of coming together! I am afraid that people are forgetting. Not just those
    who died but remembering all who came forward to help. I was at work by the airport & am grateful to a co-worker who told me he would drive me home. It brought out the best in people.

  6. I agree with Debbie, thank you for this "respectiful tribute" to all those who were touched by this atrocity! And I agree, please don't commercialize this cruel act.

  7. I never remember that the date of 9-11 is now called Patriots Day, but that doesn't mean I don't recall the date or what I was doing. And, I agree with your comment that many people seem to be forgetting just a bit with all the other things going on now, but that is never an excuse.


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