Sunday, May 15, 2022


 Good morning, friends!  Happy Sunday!  I hope you are all having a wonderful day.  I am looking forward to going to church today.  We are having a guest from the Gideons this morning.  What a great group they are.  Joe and I firmly believe that everyone should have access to God's Word.  Since we have been married Joe has given away more than 500 Bibles and New Testaments.

And that brings us to today's Bible story, The Parable of the Mustard Seed.

Jesus told the people a parable about a mustard seed.  He wanted to teach His followers what the kingdom of God was like.

One day a farmer went to plant some seeds in his field.  When he looked at the mustard seed, it was very small.  It didn't look important.  The farmer planted it with care.  He dug a hole, covered the seed with soil and gave it some water.

Slowly the little seed grew into a small plant.  Each day the farmer watered the plant and the sun shone on it.  The plant grew bigger and bigger until it grew so big that the birds made nests and lived in the tree.

The mustard seed reminds us that the smallest things we do in the Kingdom of God can grow into something bigger than we could ever imagine.

Many things in life that start small become large.  Think of some things that start small and become large.  For example, seeds are small but become large plants.  Babies are small but become large people.  Eggs are small but become large birds.

Imagine an uninflated balloon.  It looks small and unimportant.  But put some air in it and it becomes large.  If we ignored this small piece of rubber, we could never enjoy the balloon.

Jesus lived in a world vastly different than the one we live in.  When He first began to preach the gospel, he didn't have television or internet.  He couldn't catch an airplane to fly around the world.  But He spoke to one person who spoke to another person who spoke to yet another person and the good news of God's kingdom spread.

Think of wetting a sponge and laying it on a paper towel.  The towel will draw the water from the sponge and spread until the entire towel is wet.

God can use the smallest thing (like the mustard seed) to spread His word.  What small thing can you do which can change the world?

I hope you have a great day and I will be back soon.



  1. "What small thing can you do which can change the world?"

    I can only do small things. Thank you for the encouragement.

  2. I like the comparison you made between the small & big things. It put an interesting perspective on the parable for me. I remember a quote that went " I can do small things with great love". So can I.

  3. Hi Kathy. This is a lovely post, and teaches an important lesson. The Gideons are a good organization. Sharing God's word is so important. I am glad that you and Joe have shared Bibles with so many. Have a good weekend! I am planning to make some bread pudding to have with our Sunday dinner. Thanks for posting the recipe. See you again soon. :-)

  4. Good story you shared and what items Jesus didn't have back then but He still was believed and followed by many people. So thankful to be a child of God! God bless!
    Becky L


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