Saturday, April 24, 2021

It's Me. Or Should I Say It's I?

 Hello everyone. I haven't forgotten about you.  Still having lots of computer problems. Will be back as soon as I can.  Be safe and stay healthy.



  1. Always nice to be remembered! Computers are great....until they're not. You stay safe & well as well.

  2. Hi Kathy. I have been thinking about you and hope you are OK. I will look forward to your return when you get your computer problems fixed. You and Joe have a good weekend. :-)

  3. Hope your computer problems are fixed soon.

  4. Technology . . . love it and hate it! Enjoy your little break. We'll be here when you get back!

  5. Thanks for checking in! You and Joe have had so many health problems, I worry when you don't post!


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