Monday, January 23, 2017


Another Monday come and almost gone.  Although the days seem to fly by, this month has gone at a pace I can deal with.  It feels like a normal month not whizzing by.

On Saturday Joe and I went to visit my brother Larry and sister-in-law Kim to see their new house.  We didn't know how to get there, so put on the GPS.  We got there all right, but was led on a long and winding path.  As Joe said, we got a guided tour of North Philly!  It would have been much quicker to pick up Route 1 just a few miles from our home.  Instead we went about 15 miles out of our way.  O...K...!  But we finally got there.

Their house is so cute and decorated so beautifully.  I love the whole set up of their house.  And their yard is big and so nice.  They have a big deck too.  There are some things they are doing to fix it up to their tastes as anyone would, but it's a lovely place.

After we looked around and exchanged Christmas gifts (yes, we did), we headed out to Lancaster County to have lunch.  Or an early dinner as it turned out.  Larry led me out to Route 202 and then we were separated, but each of us knew where we were going from that point so it was no big deal.  We each took our own cars so we could just go home afterwards.

We were going along, listening to the radio, talking and making good time when we ran into fog.  Thick fog.  I borrowed this photo from Larry who took it from his car.  I thought about it, but didn't want to stop and get my camera out of my purse.

And this was nothing.  It got even worse.

We were headed for Katie's Kitchen.  It's an Amish run restaurant and has excellent food.  We wanted to share it with Larry and Kim.  But when we pulled in, it was all dark.  A man was pulling out and he yelled to us that it was closed.  We didn't see Larry's car anywhere so we parked and waited for them.  Joe finally called Larry and asked where they were.  It turns out he was just pulling into the parking lot.  He went to the front door and here the place was closed for one week because they were painting the place.  One week and it happened to be the week we were out there.  (We are going out again in about 6 weeks to eat there, but I'm going to call first.)

So we ended up going to our second choice, Rockvale Diner.  It was a whole 2 minute drive away.  The place was almost empty so we had no trouble getting in.

The food is good there.  I finally got the fried chicken I've been craving for a few days.  It was good and juicy.  The rest of them got steaks.

While we were waiting for our food I looked out of the window and had to take this picture.

We were all laughing about how Dickey's Barbecue Pit is right next to the Ultimate Fat Loss System building.  Uh...  😄

We had a really good time and split up after eating to head home.  But what a time we had.  At first the fog was light, the music was mellow and our stomachs were full.  I felt so peaceful.  And then it changed.  The fog was worse.  And driving in the dark in the fog was a nightmare.  At times I could hardly see the car in front of me.  And many times I couldn't see the road at all.  

An hour and a half drive took me well over two hours.  We had thought about getting a room for the night even though we didn't have anything with us, and we probably would have if we didn't have to be in church the next day for the Annual Business Meeting.  I still had to type up the bulletins too.  So we went on.  But I was scared and we prayed the whole way home.  It wasn't until we got 2/3 of the way home that the fog finally lifted. 

But all in all it was a fun day with a good meal.  And speaking of meals, now I have to go make dinner.  I'll be back tomorrow with another post.  Have a good evening!


 Sunrise:  7:16 a.m.
Sunset:  5:10 p.m.
9 hours and 54 minutes of daylight
Rain and high winds
Temperature:  40*/37*


  1. Oh I do not like driving in fog, especially when it closes in all around and you can't see the road. I had just such a drive a couple of weeks ago. Prayed all the way home and doubt that I'll be out in fog if there is any chance of not being. Otherwise, it was a great time!

    1. If we had known how it was before we left, I would have opted for something closer to home.

  2. That is so scary having to drive in the dense fog. I would have been praying the whole way too. Glad you had a good time. That's a cute photo of the two of you! Hugs!

  3. Well, thank the Lord you got home safe. We have had fog here, too, for the last few days. I DO NOT like fog. I would almost rather drive in snow than fog. Sometimes we get 'lucky' and have snow and fog both at the same time. lol

    I am glad you found a place to eat and that it was worth the drive. I hope you have a good week, Kathy. xo Diana

    1. I don't mind fog if I'm not driving in it! Snow and fog together? No thanks.

  4. I can't believe y'all have Dickey's BBQ!!! I thought that was a Texas thang!! Hahaha!!

    1. I didn't know they were in Texas! They are all over the place here.

  5. Such thick fog! It certainly can be dangerous. Glad you found a place to eat & enjoy time together.

    1. We knew where the diner was. Had been there before.

  6. Fog is scary stuff for sure! The scariest part is that some drivers don't respect it and just keep barreling down the highway. I had to chuckle at your photo of the BBQ place. When I was going to Weight Watchers, there was a candy store right next door! Not the best location! LOL

    1. Oh, that's funny about the Weight Watchers and the candy store. You would think they would have a better location!

      You are right about those drivers. I just let them keep passing me.

  7. We've had lots of bad fog here too Kathy. As you say its scary driving in it and cars still zoom along too quickly.

    1. It was hard not being able to see the road. I just let the cars pass me. I wasn't going to drive off the road because someone was in a hurry.

  8. Every time you talk of going to Lancaster, I get all home sick for that place. I recognize the places where you eat. Driving in fog can be so scary! I am glad that you arrived home safely.

    1. Aww, Cheryl, maybe you can visit someday. The Rockvale Diner where we ate is where the old Bob Evans was in Rockvale Mall.

  9. Oh, my goodness. I hate to drive on a good day. I don't think I would have survived that. Glad you made it home safely.


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