Thursday, August 29, 2024



Hello, friends!  I am blown away that so many of you are still interested in reading my blog.  I had so many comments and many of you asked me questions, so I thought I would use this time to answer them.

Moving is hard.  Yes, it is and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  Especially as Martha Jane pointed out when you have lived most of your life in one place.  But it is getting easier, and I really do like my new neighborhood and my new house.

Diane (Lavender Dreamer) I moved just five blocks from where I was living, but it's like another world.  Cross a few major streets and it's so different.  I am still in a row house, built the same year as where I was, but it is newly renovated and that makes a world of difference.  It has central air, two bathrooms, new floors, new kitchen and bathroom.

Terri, yes trusting God to get us through is what we are doing.

Jo, it has been hard moving.  I will try to post pictures of the new place soon.  Right now, it is a mess!  Still have lots of bags and boxes hanging around.

Susie, I am giving away so much stuff.  Before we moved, we threw out tons of stuff.  Now as I go through things, I fill bags and every other week my friend and I go to Goodwill and make a donation.  She is going through things too.  I haven't been inside to buy anything either.

Deb, I know you are all up to date with what is going on with me.  You really keep up with things.

Brenda, I just answered your first question about where I moved.  I still teach Bible Study at church, although I really injured myself moving and had to take about a month off.  I was in so much pain that I finally went to Urgent Care and the doctor told me to keep off of my legs for two weeks.  That helped so much.

Becky, it was a three storey house which is very common around here.  No house here, though, has an elevator.  It would be cool if they did.  All of our boxes are labeled, but 2/3 of them are still in storage.  We have to empty our house first before we bring them in.

Sandra, it is good to know that someone remembers me working in the library.  I so loved my job, but it got to be too much for me.  Thank you so much for hanging with me. 

I hope I didn't miss anyone.  I will try to be better about writing.  See you all later.



  1. Hi Kathy! You sound more upbeat in this post. So glad. Yes, moving is a lot of work. We moved to our present house last summer, and we will be moving again once I retire. I am glad to hear that you are starting to like your new home! It sounds really nice, and I enjoyed it when you showed some of it on a video a few days ago. I think that Philadelphia Row Houses are fascinating! So glad that your legs are feeling better after you stayed off of them for a while. As we get older, we have to take care of ourselves and can't overdo. You have a lot of self-control not to go into the Goodwill when you drop your donations off. Good for you! You inspire me to start getting rid of more of my stuff because we will be moving again in 1-2 years when I retire. I hope that you and Joe have a good weekend. God bless you!

  2. Kathy, I rarely comment but I’ve been reading your blog for years. Thanks for the updates. I do keep you and Joe in my prayers.

  3. Hi Kathy, so glad to hear you have moved and are feeling better. My question, is there a bedroom on the main floor?

  4. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions, Kathy. So happy to know more about the move and how you're feeling. Blessings always!

  5. Hi Kathy,
    So glad you are feeling better and back to blogging!!
    Thank you for letting us know how you are doing.
    God Bless,

  6. Glad you're doing okay 👍. I hope goes well for both of you.

  7. Hi Kathy,
    So glad that you are finally in your new home! Pace yourself putting things away - you'll get it all done! Wishing you both good health and lots of happy times in your new Home! Jean from Bucks County

  8. I always love when you publish a new post! Moving: can't even remember, we've been here so long, built our house back when we only had five kids, had eleven was too small for a while, but now it's getting too big, ha, as they all grow up and move out!
    I hope you get situated soon, no hurry though...glad you have a nice place with newer kitchen, ect. (In my humble opinion, everything is harder as you get older! ).

  9. Moving is not for the faint of heart! Our daughter Kati was still living at home when we moved eight years ago. Her help was immeasurable. Without it, I'd probably still be unpacking! Be gentle with yourself as you unpack and settle in (unless you have a Kati) because it is a big job!

    Congratulations on your move! I hope that you and Joe enjoy many happy years in your new place!

  10. Kathy, it’s been a while since my last blog visit and you and Joe have been through so much with moving and more. Congratulations and best wishes on your “new” home. Packing, moving, unpacking…all of it is hard work and more so when you’re not feeling great, but you will get through it in time. Take care of yourself and rest as much as needed. It will be nice to celebrate the holidays in a new home.

  11. Kathy,

    I moved about a year and a half ago. I went from a 5 bedroom, 2 story house to a 3 bedroom condo. It was TOUGH to downsize that much but the benefits have been amazing. It did help that I was recently divorced and my ex had taken all of his clothing, his collections, and about half of the furniture plus all of the stuff he had gotten when we cleaned out his parents house. I still had all of my things, too much furniture, and some of the things I inherited when my mom and daughter passed away. I still need to do more downsizing and then there are the 36 BOXES of Avon Cape Cod red dishes from my mom that I need to dispose of somehow. lol

    I have enjoy reading your blog and do hope that you continue to post. Just take it easy and one step at a time. There is no timeline on when any of us have to have our houses "in shape"!


  12. I'm so happy for you and I know you will like living in an updated house but still close to everything you know and love. I remember when you worked as a librarian too. We've been friends a long time! Happy September! ( I cheated and looked at your youtube video! Neato!)


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