Saturday, May 27, 2017


This is going to be a short post because I am heading to my sister's house in just about an hour for her annual cookout.  It's always a good time.  I got up early this morning to make my world famous potato salad.

On Tuesday I picked up Debbie and we headed for Bible Study.  We are in the third chapter of Colossians.  When we finish we will do Philemon since he lived in Colossae.  Not sure what I'll do after that.  I'm thinking something in the Old Testament for a break.  But anyway, here's a little video Debbie and I made for you.

After study Debbie had her first taste of Royal Farms.  She came over to my house to share lunch with me and Joe.  Royal Farms is not inexpensive, but the food is really good.

On Wednesday I went for my fasting blood test.  I found out that the lab opened at 7:00 a.m. and I was there at 7:05.  I was hungry and wanted to eat.  It was the easiest blood draw I have ever had.  So quick and painless.  She put a cotton patch on my wound and paper tape since I'm allergic to adhesive.  Everything was fine.  After about an hour I took the bandage off and it was soaked through with blood.  Oops.  She sure didn't stop the bleeding before letting me go.  It was fine though with hardly a mark.  But by evening it was itching so badly and I had a big red mark all over my inner elbow.  Fortunately by morning all was gone.  I'm not sure about going back to that lab.

But I have to run.  I still have to get myself together and get on the road.  I'll be back soon with pictures of our get together.




  1. That potato salad looked good and was making me wish I could indulge in some for the holiday weekend, but alas we are being "good" and staying away from carbs and other "good" stuff for awhile. So enjoy some for us, please! We have never had Royal Farms chicken, but I have heard that it's very good. I also had blood drawn this week and while there was no bleeding afterwards, I have a colorful bruise at the site now.

    1. Royal Farms chicken is delicious! Joe loves the burgers but I haven't tried them yet.

      Don't worry, I had your helping of potato salad along with a helping for everyone in your family!

  2. enjoy your weekend Kathy...potato salad looks amazing!

  3. Have fun!
    World Famous Potato Salad.... recipe??

    1. I've given the recipe a few times on here but I will give it again for those who haven't seen it.

  4. Your world famous potato salad and no recipe? 🤓 Have a happy weekend!

    1. There really isn't a recipe. But I will tell you how I do it next time.

  5. Yes, we need that recipe!!!
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you and Joe!!!

    1. Thank you, Linda. I will tell everyone how to make the potato salad in my next post.

  6. LOVE your potato salad! Royal farm is delicious. Thank you for taking me. Have a happy & safe Memorial day!

    1. I'll be seeing you around. I have something to give you. I'll have to make some potato salad for you.

  7. I hope you had a good time at your sister's for a dinner. Yummy potato salad. I'm making one this week for our last Bible study of the season. Our friends are grilling salmon so I am making the salad and another couple are bringing green salad. I hope your arm feels better from the blood test. I like to aloe vera gel on my spot where needle went in, as it makes it heal better and bruises less as well. Hope you had a nice Memorial Day!


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