Monday, April 24, 2017


I didn't sleep well last night and was anxious to get going this morning.  The first place I had to go to was the garage.  Again.  Yesterday when I was coming home from church the Tire Pressure Sensor light went on.  Not low tire pressure, but something wrong with the sensor.  Probably the new one they just put in.  *sigh*  So at 7:30 this morning I was on my way to Mayfair Tire to have it looked at.  I explained what had happened and in less than an hour they had reset everything and I was on my way.  Nothing wrong with any of the tires or sensors just as I had thought.  Just needed to be reset after having a new sensor put in.

We left early this afternoon to head to the Pocono Mountains to attend the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.  Last year Joe was an Alternate Delegate, but this year he was elected a full Delegate.

We went a different way than we did last year.  This time we headed for my sister's house.  About 2/3 of the way to her house, we turned off.  But knowing where I was going made it so much easier.

The scenery was so beautiful.  And it just kept getting better as we went along. 

You can tell it was raining.  Well, more like drizzling.  Very lightly.

After I left my familiar roads I didn't know where I was going.  So I was very happy when we at last made it to the hotel where we were staying.

Last year we stayed on the conference grounds and although it was very convenient and very beautiful, it wasn't great for people with disabilities.  So this year we are staying at a hotel just 11 minutes away in a room that is handicapped accessible.

The people at this place are beyond friendly and helpful.  We got settled in and then found our way over to Pinebrook for the Conference.  We parked by the Guest Services building.  Look at this beautiful view.

We had dinner and then went to the first meeting.  The worship time was wonderful and the speaker, Dr. Sloan, was just great.

Here's Joe at the delegates' table.

 The singing was great.

My friend, Donna, saw me sitting there and sat next to me.  She introduced me to one of her friends.  That lady knows everyone! I saw my former pastor, Pastor Wayne, there and was able to talk to him for a few minutes.  Hopefully I'll get to see him more tomorrow.

We also welcomed a new church to the Fellowship.  That was nice.

Joe stayed as long as he could and then gave up.  We left just about a half hour before the meeting was over to come back to the hotel.  I got lost just once driving in the dark.  By the time the conference is over, I'll know the way by heart.



  1. Love the (driving) video with the trees! So colorful. The video commentary makes me feel like I'm really there. Joe looked do dignified at the delegates' table.
    Hope you both enjoy your time there.

  2. I am glad you made it there safe and sound, Kathy. I know that you will get so much out of this conference and I am thrilled you are both able to be there. Praying for both of you-especially Joe as he deals with health issues and everything. Love to you- Diana

  3. Isn't that just about the loveliest phrase in the History of Learning---to know something "By Heart"? It has connotations and meanings beyond the mere memorizing or by rote or GETTING something---it's a take-it-to-yourself-because-it's-worthy definition, if there ever were one.

    Though our piano has been in storage yea these twenty years, and I have not touched one since, I can feel in my fingers some of the first (and last) piano pieces I learned "by heart." i think I could put my hands on the opening notes of STARDUST with my eyes closed, and of course, Rustle of Spring is in my bones.

    I'm so glad you're having this wonderful spiritual TOGETHER adventure. It speaks so much of Joe's character that he is so well thought of by friends and peers, and I know you are each proud to be by each other's side as you make life's journey together.

    Aren't we blessed??


  4. Kathy loved the video such a beautiful part of this country. so colorful here it is HOT and STICKY!!!!

  5. You are in a lovely part of PA. We spent our honeymoon there! In 1973 we were young and didn't have we stayed rather close to home :)
    Enjoy your week!

  6. I didn't know what kind of church you attended so when I read Bible Fellowship Church, I was like WOW! At one point when we lived in PA we attended a BFC and we loved it. I was going through breast cancer at the time and they ministered to me in a big way. When I was teaching in a Christian school, I didn't like the Bible curriculum and asked the administrator if I could teach something else. He agreed so I ran off Bible lessons from Bible Fellowship sites and they were awesome! The students really liked them.


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