Sunday, October 27, 2024


 Hello, friends.  Hope you enjoyed seeing all of the pictures yesterday from August.  So today I thought I would share the ones from September.  Here goes.

The beginning of the month my brother and sister came to help me with the kitchen.  They did so much cleaning out of things and even helped me by building the pantry.  A much bigger job than anticipated.  We thought it would take about 30 to 45 minutes and it ended up taking over three hours.  There is no way I could have done it myself.  There were over 35 steps to putting it together and hundreds of pieces.  But they did it!  It is so great to have more space to put things.  The first picture is a fuzzy one of Larry, the second one of Elaine.  They both worked so hard.

And here is the finished product.  I even made Joe a coffee bar on it.  It doesn't look big but holds a lot!

Isn't this a beautiful picture?  I wish I knew where it was.  I found it on my camera, but don't remember taking it.  If anyone can tell me, please do.

A nice picture of Joe sitting in our one and only chair.

Here is the finished window all put back together from being broken.  Ray did a great job.

On September 16th Joe and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.  We went to East Coast Wings and Grill for lunch.  We hadn't been there in awhile.  Everything was so good.  Joe got a burger and fries.  Their burgers are HUGE!

I had bone-in wings with golden honey barbecue sauce and fries.  So good.

I was so full that I couldn't even finish mine.  But Joe wanted a chocolate shake for dessert.  He was one happy camper.

And that's it for September.  I'll be back soon with October's photos.  Have a wonderful day!


Saturday, October 26, 2024


 Hello, friends!  Are any of you still interested in reading my blog?  I had no idea it was so long since I last wrote in here.  Keeping up with things is hard for me right now.  I haven't even been post any videos on YouTube.  Life is busy every single day and even though I make lists of things to do, I can't accomplish everything.  Ah, well we all move on.

So today I thought I would post some pictures and tell you about them.  Maybe that will help me to catch up a bit.  Here are all the pictures that I took in August.  Yes, August.  I am that far behind.

We got to meet our next door neighbor, Ray, when he accidentally put a sheet of dry wall through the window separating our porches.  He is renovating his house.  A really nice guy.  I told him there were easier ways of meeting us and he laughed.   Here is a shadowy Joe looking at the damage.  We put a piece of cardboard on our side of the broken glass so that no one would get hurt before Ray was able to put a new piece of glass in.

You all know how I love to decorate.  But decorating was a bit out of the question just moving in.  So the only summer decor I had was these couple of seashells that I put on the table by the TV.


We set up a small table we had by the stairway and I put some of my cat figurines on it.


Beside that table we put a table with a light.  It is very dark in this house.  Fortunately we had a lamp table and set it up next to the table with the cats.  I put my plants on it (and the internet).  The plants look terrible here, but they have revived wonderfully.  Except for the basil which I had to throw out.  It looks different now because we put our charging station on it.


George has adapted to the new house very well.  He now owns it.  I think because he was just a year old that he was able to do so well.  One of his favorite things is to sleep on the stairway.  Sort of inconvenient when we want to use it though.


I'll show you some more pictures later.

We have been running back and forth to doctors and hospitals.  Joe was in the ER last week because he hurt his elbow moving boxes, etc.  He has to take it easy for at least 6 weeks.

The holidays are coming quickly although it doesn't feel like it with the warm weather we have been having.  But time marches on.

And now I am going to march on too and start my day.  See you all soon.
