Thursday, September 22, 2016


Same to you Pooh Bear.  Pooh has always been a favorite of mine ever since I first met him in third grade.  I even have a stuffed Pooh sitting beside my bed.

It was very warm for the first day of Autumn.  In fact it got up to 84* which is 11 degrees above normal.  Tomorrow is supposed to get up to 89*.  I'll take it.  Soon it will be cold and dark.  Already it gets dark before I make dinner.

But the sunsets are spectacular.  Here's one from the other day.

We had chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad and coconut custard pie for dinner.  A little heavy on the carbs but that's OK for one meal.  I'll do better tomorrow.  It was good.

I got my nails done too.  This month's color is Julep's Zori.  I thought it was brown and here it turned out to be pink.  But I like it a lot. (Yes, there are gold sparkles in it.)  I think it looks very fall-like.

I got a surprise tonight.  On Sunday my cutting board broke.  I had had it for years and it was my favorite.  Not that I don't have any others.  Joe felt bad about it so he bought me another one.  And not just a cutting board, this also serves as a tray.  It has a rim around it and each corner is a spout to pour any liquid into a container.  I love black and white things.  I think they look elegant.  And I just love this cutting board tray.  I'm going to use it to take treats to church for Fellowship Time.

I'm going to head for bed now.  I'm so tired today.  Have a good night everyone.

Sunrise:  6:48 a.m.
Sunset:  6:56 p.m.
12 hours and 8 minutes of daylight
Temperature:  84*/60*


  1. Good night! I am exhausted tonight, too!
    That's a great cutting board!!

    1. Thanks, Linda. Hope you got a good night's sleep.

  2. Great all-purpose cutting board! Love the nail polish.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Can't wait for you to see the tray.

  3. Wow! Your nails look fabulous! And the sunsets are beautiful. Enjoy the weekend ahead! Happy Fall girlfriend. Hugs, Diane

  4. Thank you, Alexandra! Happy Fall to you too! I took a look at your blog. Lovely illustrations.

  5. Your nails look so the color! I call my nails a manicurist's nightmare....and they truly are!!
    Lovely sunset. We just can't see them her...too many trees!!

    1. There are a lot of trees there. I fight with the buildings and the chemical factory in back of my house (think "The Simpsons").


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