Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Can you believe it?  In a way Summer has seemed so long and in another way the time seems to have flown.  I guess not going to work every day has messed up my sense of time.

Carolyn sent me the pictures of our Renewal of Vows ceremony so I thought I would share them with you.  Today's post is going to be mostly pictures and I hope that's OK with you.

left to right:  Joe, Donna, Pastor Wayne, Pastor Ralph, me, Mrs. Soper, Dr. Dave

Joe affirming his intentions

Me affirming my intentions

Pastor Wayne

Pastor Wayne telling the congregation about how he forgot to let us kiss at our original wedding but he was going to make up for it now.

"Joe, you may finally kiss your bride."  (I love how Pastor Wayne is laughing in the background.)
It meant more to us than I can express that Pastor Wayne was willing to do this for us.  God worked all the timing out so beautifully even down to the day that Pastor Wayne and Phyllis made settlement on their new house.  And Pastor Ralph having his Installation Service two days after our anniversary.  And all of them being there on our 10th anniversary weekend.  It was perfect.  I think I am still glowing from it.

Thank you so very much, Carolyn, for taking the pictures.  I've known you for such a short time and already you are a dear friend to me.

On with my day.  Laundry, dishes, cleaning, shopping -- well, returning, post office...  It's going to be a busy day.


Sunrise:  6:47 a.m.
Sunset:  6:58 a.m.
12 hours and 11 minutes of daylight


  1. Kathy, So nice that your new friend shared the pictures with you. wishing all of you the best. :):) Maybe you have hit on something, about time being mixed up once we no longer work at a job. I feel that it flies by faster. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thanks, Susie! Time certainly flies by for me, that's for sure.

  2. Nice pictures! Sounds like the timing was orchestrated by our loving and all knowing God :)

    1. It certainly was. No other way it could have happened so perfectly.

  3. Pastor Wayne did your wedding as well? Nice! Thanks for sharing your day you renewed your vows. God continue to bless your marriage!!

    1. Thank you so much, Becky! Yes, it was a special time to have the same pastor with us for our renewal.

  4. I agree that God was at work in all this. Many blessings now & in the future.


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