Monday, September 17, 2018


What a lazy day I am having.  It is gray and we are getting some of the leftovers from Hurricane Florence.  Maybe it's the barometric pressure making me feel lethargic.  Maybe it's that I didn't sleep well last night.  At any rate, here I am trying to tell myself I really should get up and do something.

Do you ever have those lazy days?  Are there times you just don't want to get out of your pajamas?  How many times have you just vegged out with TV or a book or the internet?

In any case, that's where I am today.  I am going to force myself now to move and do something.  If I don't, there will be no dinner tonight.  No cleaning -- which I am doing very well with.  I will get behind on things and then really be angry with myself.

Yes, I am moving right now.  Here I go.  I'm moving.  I'm not typing anymore.   *sigh* 

Please let me know I'm not the only one who has a lazy day.



  1. Was I just here? 🙃 Well, I am describing my lazy day as a recovery day. There are dishes to be done and two beds to be made. I can do this... ☺️ Have a good day and it’s okay to take it slow.

  2. Kathy, So funny...I am only lazy on days that end in "Y" .LOL.. I really try to shake that feeling off. There's days I do not feel like doing what I should, but I will do at least something ...even if it's a load of laundry.
    I used to sing this ditty to my daughters ; Up, Up, Up, While the morn is still a pup. While the dew is on the land. Up and give your ma a hand. :):) I heard it a church camp and never forgot it. LOL.
    Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Aw, stay in those Jammie’s, we all need a lazy day lol

  4. I have't had a PJ day in a long time, but have had several lazier days. It always feels good!

  5. I have pyjama days all the time, especially after a late night. I hope the hurricane is okay for you. It was really warm today in the UK because of it.

  6. I'm sure if we didn't live with kids I'd have quite a few lazy days.....but the kids seem to get me up and moving! That's a good thing, I think??
    It's pouring here currently. I enjoyed the sun when we had it! Hope it soon returns!

  7. Lazy days are needed/good for everyone now and then.

  8. Totally love the Garfield! I haven't had a true pj day in quite awhile.I have to walk Bella & in spite of the Dog Mom video,I'd rather not do that in jammies (though some days I am tempted!). You just took care of Joe so kick back,relax...tomorrow's another day.

  9. It happens more often than you'd think. Saturdays and rainy days do it for me. It's good for you every now and then. :)
    xx Beca

  10. Enjoy your lazy pajama day. You've earned it and it's good for the soul. I have these days all the time. Pogo keeps me up and going. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  11. We all need to have a lazy day. Makes us reflect and take things easy. Hope you enjoyed it.


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